Rahul Mangharam is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering at the University of
Pennsylvania. He also holds a secondary appointment in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences and is a founding member of the PRECISE Center. He directs the mLAB- Real-Time and Embedded Systems Lab at Penn. His interests are in real-time scheduling algorithms for networked embedded systems with applications in energy-efficient buildings, automotive systems, medical devices and industrial wireless control networks.
His group has won several awards in IPSN 2012, RTAS 2102, World Embedded Programming Competition 2010, Honeywell Industrial Wireless Award 2011, Google Zeitgeist Award 2011, Intel Innovators Award 2012, Intel Early Faculty Career Award 2012, NAE US Frontiers of Engineering 2012, Cornell Embedded Systems Cup 2012, Accenture Innovation Jockeys 2012 and NSF CAREER Award 2013.
He received his Ph.D. in Electrical & Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University where he also received his MS and BS. In 2002, he was a member of technical staff in the Ultra-Wide Band Wireless Group at Intel Labs. He was an international scholar in the Wireless Systems Group at IMEC, Belgium in 2003. He has worked on ASIC chip design at FORE Systems (1999) and Gigabit Ethernet at Apple Computer Inc. (2000). He was the Stephen J. Angelo Term Chair Assistant Professor at the University of Pennsylvania from 2008-2013.
Curriculum Vitae (cv)
Research Interests
Real-Time systems, embedded network control systems, green buildings, medical devices, model-based design, formal analysis and verification, automotive systems, wireless control/actuator networks, real-time GPGPU programming, cyber-physical systems.
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Ph.D, Electrical and Computer Engineering, March 2008
Thesis : Real-Time Embedded Wireless Networks: Algorithms and Experiences
Advisor : Prof. Ragunathan (Raj) Rajkumar
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
M.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering, August 2002
Thesis : Size Matters: Size-based Scheduling for MPEG-4 over Wireless Channels
Advisor: Prof. Ragunathan (Raj) Rajkumar
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
B.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering, May 2000
Honors and Awards
- NSF CAREER Award for Foundations of Medical Cyber-Physical Systems, February 2013
- Intel Early-Faculty Career Honor, November 2012
- National Academy of Engineers, US Frontiers of Engineering, September 2012
- Best Student Paper Award, IEEE RTAS 2012, Beijing, China
- Best Presentation Award, ACM IPSN 2012, Beijing, China
- Best Paper Award Nominee, TACAS 2012. Tallinn, Estonia.
- BuildSys Best Demonstration Award 2012, Toronto, Canada
- 1st Prize in Honeywell User Group OneWireless Competition, June 2011
- Provost's Distinguished International Research Award, January 2010
- Stephen J. Angello Term Chair in Electrical & Systems Engineering, Fall 2008
- Best Paper Award, IEEE Conference on Sensor and Ah hoc Communications and Networks (SECON), 2006.
- Sixth Annual Lockheed Martin Project Award, 2006
- Eta Kappa Nu Research Award, 2006
Honors and Awards (with undergraduate and MS students)
- Intel/Cornell Embedded Systems Cup – Distinguished Project Award, May 2013
- 1st and 3rd Prizes in World Embedded Systems Programming Contest, Seoul, Korea, Nov 2012
- 1st Prize Winner of School Engineering and Applied Sciences Senior Design Project, May 2012
- Intel Innovators $50K Award, 2012
- IEEE President's Award Fianlist, May 2012
- Honorable Harold Berger Award for Best ESE Senior Design Project, May 2012
- Intel/Cornell Embedded Systems Cup – People's Choice Award, May 2012
- Intel/Cornell Embedded Systems Cup – Project Award, May 2012
- Grand Finale Winner, Accenture Innovation Jockeys (Powered by Yahoo!), 2012
- 1st Prize in Health 2.0 Conference for Haptic Belt for the blind, August 2012
- Frederick Ketterer Memorial Award for Best Senior Design Project, May 2011
- Winner of 1st Prize Senior Design Award, CIS Department, May 2011
- Google Zeitgeist Young Minds Award, 2011
- Grand Prize Winner in 8th World Embedded Programming Competition,Seoul, Korea, 2010
- Honorable Harold Berger Award for Best ESE Senior Design Project, 2009
My work has been supported by grants from the NSF, Department of Energy, Department of Transportation, DARPA and industry. Grants include:
NSF CAREER: Foundations for Modeling and Verification of Medical Cyber-Physical Systems
US DoT: CMU-Penn Tier-1 University Transportation Center ($7 Million Center)
US DoE: Energy-Efficient Building HUB ($160 Million Center)
NSF MRI Development: Heterogeneous, Autonomic Wireless Control Networks for Scalable Cyber-Physical Systems
NSF CPS Large: Assuring the Safety, Security and Reliability of Medical Device Cyber Physical Systems
DARPA HACMS: Security of Networked Controlled Systems
NSF CPS: Medium: Quantitative Analysis and Design of Control Networks
Honeywell: Distributed Wireless Controller Grids
L3 Communications/Engility: ZipCare Wearable Heart Monitoring Patch
Selected Talks
Closing the loop with Medical Cyber-Physical Systems
UC Berkeley. Design of Robotics and Embedded systems, Analysis, and Modeling Seminar, Oct 2012
Invited Speaker, Workshop on Formal Methods for Synthetic Biology, co-located with the 24th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV 2012). July 2012
Invited Speaker, 15th Conference on Software Design for Medical Devices, May 2012
The Car and The Cloud: Automotive Architectures for 20/20
National Academy of Engineers, US Frontiers of Engineering, GM R&D Center, Michigan. Sept 2012
Invited Speaker, DoT University Transportaiton Center, Carnegie Mellon, May 2013
Physiological Control Systems for Networks of Medical Devices
Invited Speaker, 5th annual workshop on "Numerical Software Verification" (NSV), co-located with the 24th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV). July 2012
Robust Architectures for Wireless Actuation and Control
BOSCH Palo Alto Lab, California, July 2012
Honeywell Technical Fellows Seminar, Oct 2010
Invited Speaker, Honeywell Technology Symposium, 2009
Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT-M), Chennai, March 2009
Integrated Functional and Formal Modeling for Safety-Critical Medical Devices
University of Oxford, UK. Formal Methods Seminar, June 2012
University of California, Irvine, ECE Departmental Seminar, April 2011
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Nov 2010
Cyber-Physical Systems 2.0 – Automotive, Medical, Energy and Industrial Automation
Drexel University, Robotics Seminar Series, Feb 2013
Invited Speaker, NIST Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems, March 2012
Wayne State University, Michigan, CS Departmental Seminar, Sept 2011
University of Pittsburgh, ECE Departmental Seminar, Nov 2010
Cornell University, ECE Departmental Seminar, Oct 2010
UT Austin, ECE Seminar, October 2010
IMEC, Leuven, Belgium, July 2010
Embedded Systems Institute, Eindhoven, Netherlands, July 2010
Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems – In vehicle, Vehicle-to-vehicle and Traffic Management
Toyota Information Technology Center (ITC), Mountain View, California, July 2012
Invited Speaker, Connected Vehicles Workshop (DoT UTRC), Buffalo, NY June 2012
University of Southern California, ECE Departmental Seminar, April 2011
University of Waterloo, Canada. June 2009
WINLAB Seminar, Rutgers University, Nov 2008
University of Delaware, Electrical Engineering Seminar, Oct 2008
Keynote Speaker, Conf. on Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments, U Michigan, Dec 2008
Cyber-Physical Systems and The Cloud
CISCO Systems, Sunnyvale, California, July 2012
Texas Instruments and Kilby Labs, Dallas, TX, May 2012
Anytime Algorithms for GPGPU Computing
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium. Dec 2011
Medical Cyber-Physical Systems: Closed-loop Medical Device Verification and Testing
FDA / NHLBI / NSF Workshop on Computer Methods for Medical Devices, Speaker and Panelist, Sept 2011
Invited Speaker, Texas Instruments and Kilby Labs, Dallas, TX, May 2012
Closing the Loop with Cyber-Physical Modeling
Vanderbilt University, Institute for Software Integrated Systems Seminar, Oct 2011
University of California, Irvine, ECE Departmental Seminar. April 2011
Virginia Tech, Center for Embedded Systems for Critical Applications, Nov 2010
University of Pittsburgh, ECE Departmental Seminar, Nov 2010
Temple University, ECE Departmental Seminar, Oct 2010
Closing the Loop with Wireless Control Networks
NSF EU-US Workshop on Networked Monitoring and Control, EU Commission, Brussels. June 2011
Siemens Corporate Research, Princeton, NJ. May 2012
UCLA, Center for Embedded Networked Sensing, Dec 2010
Cornell University, ECE Departmental Seminar, Oct 2010
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT-B), Mumbai, March 2009
Medical Cyber-Physical Systems: New Frontiers
UIUC, Distinguished Lecture. March 2011
Generic Pacemaker Project: Closed-loop Software Testing, Validation and Verification
US. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Nov 2010