List of Publications
Journal Articles (in chronological
1. R. A. Brown, D. Maroudas,
T. Sinno, Modeling Point Defect Dynamics in the Crystal Growth
of Silicon, Journal of Crystal Growth, 137
(1994) 12-25.
2. T. Sinno, Z. K. Jiang, and R. A. Brown, Atomistic Simulation
of High-Temperature Point Defect Properties in Crystalline Silicon,
Applied Physics Letters, 68 (1996) 3028-3031.
3. T. Sinno and R. A. Brown, Point defect and microdefect dynamics
in Czochralski-grown silicon: simulations and analysis of self-consistent
models. Diffusion & Defect Data Pt.B: Solid State Phenomena,
57-58, (1997) 343-348.
4. T. Sinno, F. K. von Gottberg, R. A. Brown, Investigation
of Point Defect Clusters in Silicon Using Parallel Molecular Dynamics,
Journal of Computer-Aided Materials Design, 4 (1997)
5. T. Sinno, R. A. Brown, E. Dornberger, and W. von Ammon, On
the Dynamics of the Oxidation-Induced Stacking-Fault Ring in Czockralski
Silicon Crystals, Applied Physics Letters, 70
(1997) 2250-2253.
6. T. Sinno, R. A. Brown, E. Dornberger, and W. von Ammon, Point
Defect Dynamics and the Oxidation-Induced Stacking-Fault Ring in
Czockralski-Grown Silicon Crystals, Journal of the Electrochemical
Society 145 (1998) 302-318.
7. T. Sinno, R. A. Brown, Modeling Microdefect Formation in
Czochralski Silicon, Journal of the Electrochemical Society,
146 (1999) 2300-2312.
8. T. Sinno, H. Susanto, R. A. Brown, Boron Retarded Self-Interstitial
Diffusion in Czochralski Growth of Silicon Crystals and its Role
in Oxidation-Induced Stacking-Fault Ring Dynamics, Applied
Physics Letters, 75, (1999) 1544-1546.
9. T. Sinno, E. Dornberger, R. A. Brown, W. von Ammon, and F. Dupret,
Modeling and Simulation for Defect Engineering of CZ-grown Silicon
Crystals, Materials Science & Engineering Reports R28
(2000) 149-198.
10. Z. Wang, T. Sinno, R. A. Brown, Enhanced Oxygen Precipitation
in Silicon Due to Grown-In Spatial Inhomogenieties in the Oxygen
Distribution, Applied Physics Letters 78 (2001)
11. E. Dornberger, W. von Ammon, J. Virbulis, B. Hanna B, and T.
Sinno, Modeling of transient point defect dynamics in Czochralski
silicon crystals, Journal of Crystal Growth, 230
(2001) 291-299.
12. M. Prasad and T. Sinno, An Atomistic to Continuum Description
of Vacancy Cluster Properties in Crystalline Silicon, Applied
Physics Letters, 80 (2002) 1951-1953.
13. M. Prasad and T. Sinno, An Internally Consistent Approach
for Modeling Solid-State Aggregation: I. Atomistic Calculations
of Vacancy Clustering in Silicon, Physical Review B
68 (2003) 45206 1-12.
14. M. Prasad and T. Sinno, An Internally Consistent Approach
for Modeling Solid-State Aggregation: II. Mean-field Representations
of Atomistic Processes, Physical Review B 68
(2003) 45207 1-13.
15. T. Frewen, T. Sinno, E. Dornberger, R. Hoelzl, W. von Ammon,
and H. Bracht, Parameterization of Transient Defect Dynamics
Models in Czochralski Silicon Crystal Growth, Journal of the
Electrochemical Society, 150 (2003) G673-G682.
16. T. Sinno and M. Prasad, Internally Consistent Verification
of Mean-Field Models of Aggregation using Large-Scale Molecular
Dynamics, Molecular Physics, 102 (2004) 395-403.
17. S. Kapur, M. Prasad, and T. Sinno, Carbon-Mediated Aggregation
of Self-Interstitials in Silicon, Physical Review B, 69
(2004) 155214 1-8.
18. T. A. Frewen, T. Sinno, W. Haeckl, and W. von Ammon, A
Systems-Based Approach for Generating Quantitative Models of Microstructural
Evolution in Silicon Materials Processing, in press: Computers
and Chemical Engineering.
19. M. Prasad and T. Sinno, Feature-Activated Molecular Dynamics:
An Efficient Approach for Atomistic Simulation of Solid-State Aggregation
Phenomena, Journal of Chemical Physics, 121
(2004) 8699-8710. Selected to be included in the Virtual Journal
of Biological Physics Research, 8 (2004).
20. T. Frewen, M. Prasad, W. Haeckl, W. von Ammon and T. Sinno,
A Microscopically Accurate Continuum Model for Void Formation
During Semiconductor Silicon Processing, Journal of Crystal
Growth, 279 (2005) 258-271.
21. M. Prasad and T. Sinno, Feature Activated Molecular Dynamics:
Parallelization and Application to Systems with Globally Varying
Mechanical Fields, in press: Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular
22. S. Kapur, M. Prasad, J. C. Crocker, and T. Sinno, On the
Configurational Entropy of Atomic Clusters in Crystalline Solids,
in press: Physical Review B.
23. J. Dai, J. Kanter, S. Kapur, W. D. Seider, and T. Sinno, On-Lattice
Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations of Point Defect Aggregation in Entropically
Influenced Crystalline Systems, submitted to Physical Review
Conference Proceedings (in chronological
order) :
1. T. Sinno and R. A. Brown, Computation of the onset of point
defect aggregation in crystalline silicon using an empirical interatomic
potential, .in: Defect and Impurity Engineered Semiconductors and
Devices, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. (1995) 95-100.
2. Z. K. Jiang, T. Sinno, R. A. Brown, Modeling defect-cluster
formation in crystalline silicon, Proceedings of the Fourth International
Symposium on Process Physics and Modeling in Semiconductor Technology.
Electrochem. Soc. Proc. (1996) 273-287
3. T. Sinno and R. A. Brown, Modeling microdefect formation in
Czochralski silicon, Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium
on Silicon Materials Science and Technology. Electrochem. Soc. Proc.
(1998) 529-545.
4. E. Dornberger, T. Sinno, J. Esfandyari, J. Vanhellemont, R.
A. Brown, and W. von Ammon, Determination of intrinsic point defect
properties in silicon by analyzing OSF ring dynamics and void formation.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on High Purity
Silicon V. Proc. Electrochem. Soc. (1998) 170-187.
5. H. Susanto, T. Sinno, R. A. Brown, Influence of boron on OSF-ring
dynamics in Czochralski silicon, Proceedings of the Third International
Symposium on Defects in Silicon, Electrochem. Soc. Proc., PV99-1
(1999) 479-490.
6. T. Sinno, T. Frewen, E. Dornberger, R. Hoelzl, and C. Hoess,
Parameterization of Transient Models of Defect Dynamics in Czochralski
Silicon Crystal Growth, Mat. Res. Soc. Proc. Vol. 700 (2001) S8.3.1-6.
7. T. Sinno, Thermophysical Properties of Intrinsic Point Defects
in Crystalline Silicon, Electrochem. Soc. Proc. PV2002-2 (2002)
8. T. Sinno T. A. Frewen, W. Haeckl, W. von Ammon, Systems-based
Approach for Quantitative Modeling of Point Defect Transport and
Reaction in Silicon, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium
on Advanced Science and Technology of Silicon Materials, JSPS, (2004).