Faculty Positions at DePaul University
The School of Computer Science, Telecommunications and Information
Systems (CTI) of DePaul University invites applications for multiple
tenure-track positions beginning September 2000.
Our research group in Foundations of Programming Languages would
particularly welcome applicants interested in research topics related
to the foundations and implementation of programming languages, such
as operational semantics, type theory, model checking, concurrency
theory, language implementation, models of distributed systems,
security, and categorical models of computation.
The FPL group faculty interests include:
Karen Bernstein: Concurrency theory and semantics of programming
Alan Jeffrey: Semantic and categorical models of programming
languages, typed semantics for concurrent and distributed systems,
higher-order and object-oriented languages.
Will Marrero: Security, model checking.
Corin Pitcher: Higher-order and non-deterministic programming
languages, categorical logic and type theory, operational and
denotational semantics, security.
James Riely: Distributed programming languages, type systems, static
analysis, security, optimizing compilers.
CTI is a young and growing school in downtown Chicago, offering B.S.,
M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science, Information Systems,
Software Engineering, Human-Computer Interaction, Telecommunications,
E-Commerce Technology and Distributed Systems. CTI currently has over
55 full-time faculty, 35 Ph.D. students and a student body currently
growing at a rate of 30% per year.
For further information, please email ajeffrey@cs.depaul.edu, or see:
http://fpl.cs.depaul.edu/ FPL group home page
http://www.cs.depaul.edu/ CTI home page
http://www.cs.depaul.edu/faculty_ad.htm Faculty advert
Alan Jeffrey, CTI, DePaul University, 243 S Wabash, Chicago IL 60604
ajeffrey@cs.depaul.edu http://fpl.cs.depaul.edu/ajeffrey/