
Final CFP: ASIAN'99, Dec 10-12, Phuket, Thailand

[Please redistribute to interested parties. The program and poster
session are included.]

                  Final Call for Participation

               Asian Computing Science Conference
             Phuket, Thailand, December 10-12, 1999

     Conference Web Page:    http://www.cs.ait.ac.th/ASIAN99
     (Mirror:                http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~asian99)

The fifth Asian Computing Science Conference, ASIAN'99, will be held in
Prince of Songkhla University (Phuket Campus), Phuket, Thailand,
on December 10-12, 1999.

The series of annual Asian Computing Science Conferences (ASIAN) was
initiated in 1995 by AIT, INRIA and UNU/IIST to provide a forum for 
researchers in computer science from the Asian region and to promote 
interaction with researchers from other regions.  The first four 
conferences have been held, respectively, in Bangkok, Singapore, 
Katmandu and Manila. In addition to support from the host countries, 
they have also been sponsored by INRIA, France, UNU/IIST, Macau and 
NUS, Singapore.  The proceedings have been published as Lecture Notes 
in Computer Science 1742, Springer-Verlag.

The  1999  conference will continue to emphasize the conceptual areas of
Computer Science.  The following themes represent the areas of focus 
for this year:
  * Embedded and Real-Time Systems
  * Formal Reasoning and Verification
  * Distributed and Mobile Computing

Keynote and Invited Speakers:

The  keynote  speaker at ASIAN'99 will be Amir Pnueli (Weizmann Institute, 
Israel).  The invited speakers are: Nicolas Halbwachs (VERIMAG, CNRS, France)
and Krishna Palem (Courant Institute, New York University & Georgia
Institute of Technology, USA).

Conference Web Page:
More information can be found on the conference web page:
A mirror of the above page is also available at

Post-Conference Activities:
The 11th Asian School on Computer Science, organized by AIT and INRIA,
will be in Phuket after ASIAN'99. The Asian School will offer an 
intensive course entitled:
         Automata, Circuit Design and Verification.

The course which will be taught by Jean Vuillemin (Ecole Normale 
Superieure), Gerard Berry (Ecole des Mines de Paris & INRIA) and 
Nicolas Halbwachs (Verimag, CNRS).  For more details, see the following URL

Conference registration is to be made online from the conference webpage.
Registration fees in US Dollars are:
              Early (by Nov 15)    Late/On-site
 Non-Student      $300                 $400
 Student          $200                 $250

Hotel reservations can be booked through Asian Premier Holidays, 
fax: +66 (0)76 246 270 or 246 271. This should be done as early
as possible. See the webpage for the form and details.

Asian Inst. of Technology (AIT)
Inst. National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA) 
United Nations Univ. Intl. Inst. for Software Technology (UNU/IIST) 
National University of Singapore (NUS) 
Thailand Network Information Center (THNIC)

Program Co-Chairs:
 P.S. Thiagarajan                      Roland H.C. Yap
 Chennai Mathematical Institute        School of Computing
 92 G.N.Chetty Road                    National University of Singapore
 T.Nagar Chennai 600 017               Lower Kent Ridge Road
 India                                 Singapore 119260
                                       Republic of Singapore

 E-Mail : pst@smi.ernet.in             E-Mail: ryap@comp.nus.edu.sg 
 Telephone: +91-44-828 4232            Telephone: +65 874-2972
 Fax: +91-44-825 0573                  Fax: +65 779-4580

ASIAN'9x Steering Committee:
 Shigeki Goto (Waseda U., Japan)       Jean-Jacques Levy (INRIA, France)
 Joxan Jaffar (NUS, Singapore)         R.K. Shyamasundar (TIFR Bombay, India)
 Gilles Kahn (INRIA, France)           Kazunori Ueda (Waseda U., Japan)
 Kanchana Kanchanasut (AIT, Thailand)  Zhou Chaochen (UNU/IIST, Macau)

Program Committee:
 Gerard Berry (ENSMP & INRIA, France) 
 Phan Min Dung (AIT, Thailand)
 Cedric Fournet (Microsoft Research, UK)
 Kokichi Futatsugi (JAIST, Japan)
 Shigeki Goto (Waseda U., Japan) 
 Dang Van Hung (UNU/IIST, Macau) 
 Vinod Kathail (HP, USA)
 Michael Lyu (CUHK, Hong Kong)
 Yen-Jen Oyang (NTU, Taiwan)
 Frank Pfenning (CMU, USA) 
 Sanjiva Prasad (IIT, Delhi, India) 
 Abdul Sattar (Griffith U., Australia) 
 R.K. Shyamasundar (TIFR Bombay, India)
 Aravind Srinivasan (Bell Labs, USA)
 Peter Stuckey (U. of Melbourne, Australia) 
 P.S. Thiagarajan (co-chair) (CMI, India) 
 Farn Wang (IIS, Academia Sinica, Taiwan) 
 Limsoon Wong (KRDL, Singapore) 
 Roland Yap (co-chair) (NUS, Singapore) 

General Chair:
 Kanchana Kanchanasut, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
 E-Mail: Kanchana.Kanchanasut@ait.ac.th

Local Chair:
 Rattana Wetprasit (Prince of Sonkhla University, Thailand)
 E-Mail: rattana@ratree.psu.ac.th


                  Asian Computing Science Conference
               Phuket, Thailand, December 10 - 12, 1999

                         Preliminary Program

                      Friday, December 10, 1999

8.00 - 8.45     Registration
8.45 - 9.00     Inaugural Session
9.00 -10.00     Keynote Talk: Amir Pnueli
        From Requirements to Implementations:
        A Seamless Development Process for Embedded Systems

10.00-10.30     Tea/Coffee Break
10.30-12.20     Session 1: Temporal Logic
        Relating May and Must Testing Semantics for Discrete 
        Timed Process Algebras,
          Luis Fernando Llana Diaz and David de Frutos Escrig
        An Expressive Extension of TLC,
          Jesper G. Henriksen
        Completeness and Decidability of a Fragment of Duration Calculus 
        with Iteration
          Dang Van Hung and Dimitar P. Guelev
        Faster Model Checking for Open Systems
          Madhavan Mukund, K Narayan Kumar, Scott A. Smolka
12.20-14.00     Lunch
14.00-15.50     Session 2: Logic
        Structural sharing and efficient proof search in propositional 
        intuitionistic logic
          D. Galmiche, D. Larchey-Wendling
        Lemma Generalization and Non-Unit Lemma Matching for 
        Model Elimination
          Koji Iwanuma, Kenichi Kishino
        A CPS-transform of the Constructive Classical Logic
          Ichiro Ogata
        On L^k(Q) Types and Boundedness of IFP(Q) on Finite Structures
          Anil Seth
15.50-16.10     Tea/Coffee Break
16.10-17.30     Session 3: Mobility
        The game of the name in cryptographic tables
          Roberto M. Amadio, Sanjiva Prasad
        Transactional Cache Management with Aperiodic Invalidation Scheme
        in Mobile Environments
          IlYoung Chung, Chong-Sun Hwang
        Programming the Mobility  Behaviour of Agents by 
        Composing Itineraries
          Seng Wai Loke, Heinz Schmidt, and Arkady Zaslavsky

                     Saturday, December 11, 1999

9.00 -10.00     Invited Talk: Nicolas Halbwachs 
        Validation of Synchronous Reactive Systems:
        From Formal Verification to Automatic Testing

10.00-10.30     Tea/Coffee Break
10.30-12.20     Session 4: Verification
        A Framework for Formal Reasoning about Open Distributed Systems
          L. Fredlund and D. Gurov
        Verifying probabilistic programs using a Hoare like logic
          J.I. den Hartog
        Demand-Driven Model Checking for Context-Free Processes
          Jens Knoop
        Formal Verification of the MCS List-based Queuing Lock
          Kazuhiro Ogata and Kokichi Futatsugi
12.20-14.00     Lunch
14.00-15.20     Session 5: Programming Languages/Logic Programming
        Entailment of Non-Structural Subtype Constraints
          Joachim Niehren, Tim Priesnitz
        Beyond Tamaki-Sato Style Unfold/Fold Transformations for 
        Normal Logic Programs
          Abhik Roychoudhury, K. Narayan Kumar, C.R. Ramakrishnan, 
          I.V. Ramakrishnan
        An Argumentation Approach to Semantics of Declarative Programs
        with Defeasible Inheritance
          Ekawit Nantajeewarawat, Vilas Wuwongse
15.20-15.50     Tea/Coffee Break
16.00-16.55     Session 6: General
        On Automating Inductive and Non-Inductive Termination Methods
          Fairouz Kamareddine and Francois Monin
        Asynchronous links in the PBC and M-nets
          Hanna Klaudel, Franck Pommereau

17.00-18.50     Poster Presentation and Tea/Coffee break
19.00           Leave for Conference Banquet from Conference Site
19.30           Conference Banquet

                      Sunday, December 12, 1999

9.00-10.00      Invited Talk: Krishna Palem
        Emerging Application Domains and the Computing Fabric

10.00-10.30     Tea/Coffee Break
10.30-12.20     Session 7: Hardware
        Rapid Prototyping Techniques for Fuzzy Controllers
          Chantana Chantrapornchai, Sissades Tongsima, Edwin Sha
        Observable Sharing for Functional Circuit Description
          Koen Claessen, David Sands
        Formal Verification of Descriptions with Distinct Order of 
        Memory Operations
          G. Ritter, H. Hinrichsen, and H. Eveking
        Logical Relations in Circuit Verification
          Mia Indrika

12.20-14.00     Lunch
14.00-15.50     Session 8: Hardware & Algorithms
        BDD-nodes can be more expressive
          Frank Reffel
        Separators are as Simple as Cutsets
          Hong Shen
        Ant Colony System for the Ship-berthing Problem
          Chia Jim Tong, Andrew Lim
        A Parallel Approximation Algorithm for the Max Cut Problem 
        on Cubic Graphs
          Tiziana Calamoneri, Irene Finocchi, Yannis Manoussakis, 
          Rossella Petreschi

16.00           Excursion: Evening Cruise

          List of Poster Presentations, Sat Dec 11, 17.00 - 18.50

Security Modeling and Evaluation for the Mobile Code Paradigm
  Anthony Chan, Michael Lyu

CASA - Structured Design of a Specification Language for Intelligent Agents
   Stephan Flake, Christian Geiger

An Efficient Location Management by Optimal Location Area Partitioning in PCS 
  Joon-Min Gil, Chong-Sun Hwang

Programming with Explicit Regions
  Koji Kagawa

A Verification Technique Based on Syntactic Action Refinement in a TCSP-like 
Process Algebra and the Hennessy-Milner-Logic
  Mila Majster-Cederbaum, Frank Salger

Formal Verification of Secret Sharing protocol using Coq
  Yew K. Meng, Zahidur R. M. & Lee S. Peck

On Feasibility, Boundedness and Redundancy of Systems of Linear Constraints 
over R2-Plane
  Nguyen Duc Quang

Deduction in Logic of Association Rules
  Jan Rauch

Asynchronous Migration in Parallel Genetic Programming
  Shisanu Tongchim, Prabhas Chongstitvatana

Verification Results for a Multimedia Protocol
  T. Tsang, R. Lai

Multipoint-to-point ABR Service with Fair Intelligent Congestion Control 
in ATM networks
  Qing Yu, Doan B. Hoang