Seeking papers on Type-Directed Compilation
[Please reply directly to the sender -- Oukseh, could you post your
updated list to Types when it's finished? --BCP]
I'm interested in compilation with types, or type-directed compilation.
So I did collect papers related to this topic.
However, due to my short knowledge,
I'm afraid that I missed some valuable papers.
Could you tell me your recommended papers that I missed?
Thanks in advance.
-Oukseh Lee
Here is my list:
1. Overall compilation
From System F to Typed Assembly Language
G. Morrisett et al. TOPLAS 99
A Type-Based Compiler for Standard ML
Z. Shao, A. W. Appel, PLDI 95
TIL: a Type-Directed Optimizing Compiler for ML
D. Tarditi et al. PLDI 96
2. Intermediate Format
Towards a Theory of Type Structure
J. C. Reynolds, LNCS 74
Henk: a Typed Intermediate Language
S. Peyton-Jones, E. Meijer, TIC 97
Implementing Typed Intermediate Languages
Z. Shao, C. League, S. Monnier, ICFP 98
3. Closure Conversion
Typed Closure Conversion
Y. Minamide, G. Morrisett, R. Harper, POPL 96
Typed Closuer Conversion for Recursively-Defined Functions
G. Morrisett, R. Harper, HOOTS 98
4. Representation Analysis
Unboxed Values As First Class Citizens
S. L. Peyton-Jones, J. Launchbury, FPCA 91
Unboxed Objects and Polymorphic Typing
X. Leroy, POPL 92
Formally Optimal Boxing
F. Henglein, J. Jorgensen, POPL 94
Flexible Representation Anaysis
Z. Shao, ICFP 97
The Effectiveness of Type-Based Unboxing
X. Leroy, TIC 97
5. Intensional Type Analysis
Compiling Polymorphism Using Intensional Type Analysis
R. Harper, G. Morrisett, POPL 95
Intensional Polymorphism in Type-Erasure Semantics
K. Crary, S. Weirich, G. Morrisett, ICFP 98
Flexible Type Analysis
K. Crary, S. Weirich, ICFP 99
Fully Reflexive Intensional Type Analysis in Type Erasure Semantics
B. Saha, V. Trifonov, Z. Shao, TIC 00
6. Typed Assembly Language, Linking, GC & Etc.
Explicit Polymorphism and CPS Conversion
R. Harper, M. Lillibridge, POPL 93
Tag-Free Garbage Collection Using Explicit Type Parameters
A. Tolmach, LFP 1994
Stack-Based Typed Assembly Language
G. Morrisett, K. Crary, N. Glew, D. Walker, TIC 98
Type-Safe Linking and Modular Assembly Language
N. Grew, G. Morrisett, POPL 99
TALx86: A Realistic Typed Assembly Language
G. Morriestt et al. CSSE 99
Garbage Collection Based on Linear Type System
A. Igarashi, N. Kobayashi, TIC 00