
Reminder/Deadline extension for NWPT'00 - 12th Nordic wkshp on PL th.

For more information see:
Deadline extension/invited speakers information.

Call for Papers and Participation:

        The 12th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory 
                University of Bergen, Norway
                   October 11-13, 2000

Important dates 
Submission of abstracts and registration / hotel reservation: September 19
	We have some open slots for presentations and will accept 
	registrations for a few more days beyond the deadline.
Notification of acceptance: September 25
Workshop: October 11-13

Typical topics of the workshop include (but are not limited to): 

      Formal specification of programs 
      Foundations of programming 
      Program logic and type systems 
      Program modelling 
      Program modularisation and construction 
      Program synthesis 
      Program transformation and refinement 
      Program verification 
      Programming methods 
      Real-Time and hybrid systems 
      Semantics of programs 
      Testing and validation 
      Tools for programming and verification 

Programming should be understood in a wide sense, covering concurrency,
distributed system, netbased systems, object orientation, open systems,

If you wish to give a presentation, please submit a short (1-3 pages)
abstract of it (LaTeX, plain ISO text, or PostScript). In the event that
the number of proposed talks exceeds the number of slots available, the
Programme Committee will make a selection, based on the submitted
abstracts. (Those who submit abstracts that are not selected for
presentation will be able to cancel their registration and obtain a refund
of the fees.) Electronic submission to nwpt00@ii.uib.no is strongly
encouraged.  Otherwise use the contact address below.

Contact information
More information may be requested by e-mail to nwpt00@ii.uib.no, ordinary
mail to the contact address NWPT'00, Magne Haveraaen, Dept. of
Informatics, University of Bergen, Box 7800, N-5020 Bergen, Norway, or
obtained directly from
