
Foundational Methods in Computer Science Workshop (FMCS'01)

                          Workshop on
              Foundational Methods in Computer Science
               --  a series of informal workshops on
              categories and logic in computer science

                FMCS'01 : May 31 -- June 3, 2001
                      Spokane, Washington

                May 31: Arrival day
                        -- Reception in the evening
                June 1: Tutorial Talks
                June 2: Research Talks
                        Conference Banquet
                June 3: Research Talks in the morning
                        Noon -- end of workshop

A subsequent email will describe the venue, a hotel directly
on the Spokane River, with nearby parks and a view of the
Spokane Falls, as well as being just across the river from

The necessaries about registration and obtaining hotel
accomodations (around $US73/night) will be included in these
subsequent messages.

If you plan to attend, please reply as soon as may be to
and an indicate whether you would like to give a tutorial or a research talk.

Thank you!
Professor David B. Benson                                (509) 335-2706
School of EE and Computer Science (EME 102A)             (509) 335-3818 fax
PO Box 642752, Washington State University               dbenson@eecs.wsu.edu
Pullman WA 99164-2752   U.S.A.