
Re: positions at the Technical University of Denmark

[Type systems play a key role in reasoning about software and
in enforcing adequate software development practices and more
specifically in guaranteeing and enforcing security policies;
for these reasons the following positions are relevant for
applicants with a strong background in the use of type systems.
/ F. Nielson]

The Technical University of Denmark is happy to announce a
number of associate professorships (tenured) and assistant
professorships (untenured)


covering data security, algorithmics, distributed systems,
software engineering, embedded systems etc.

The Technical University of Denmark was created in 1829 by
the discoverer of electromagnetism, H.C.Oersted, and became
the first private Danish University in 2001, thanks to a
donation by the Danish Government, in order to increase its
impact on research and teaching in engineering and science.

The Department of Informatics & Mathematical Modelling has
been given the mission to strengthen Computer Science and
Technology and will be announcing a substantial number of
positions within selected areas in the coming years.
Professor dr.scient. Flemming Nielson          direct: (+45) 4525 3735
Informatics & Mathematical Modelling         mailto:nielson@imm.dtu.dk
The Technical University of Denmark     http://www.imm.dtu.dk/~nielson