F-WAN: Foundations of Wide Area Network Computing
To: types@cis.upenn.edu
Subject: F-WAN: Foundations of Wide Area Network Computing
From: Vladimiro Sassone <vs@susx.ac.uk>
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2001 18:20:57 +0100
[ -- This call for paper is relevant to the Types reader -- \vs ]
F-WAN: Foundations of Wide Area Network Computing
co-located with ICALP2002
12-13 July 2002, Málaga Spain
First announcement and Call for papers
Aims and Scope
The growing diffusion of internet services and applications is
promoting global computing as an emerging model of computation. Based
on mobility of code and computation on networks with highly dynamic
topologies, the model needs effective infrastructures to support the
coordination and control of components loaded at runtime from
untrusted sources, as well as semantic frameworks to reason on the
behaviour and properties of applications.
Foundations of Wide Area Network Computing focuses on semantics
aspects of global computing, and invites submissions of original
scientific work thereof. A non-exclusive list of topics includes:
calculi, models, and semantic theories of concurrent, distributed,
mobile, global-computingsystems; languages, security and types for
global computing.
The workshop proceedings will be published in the ENTCS series and a
selection of papers will appear in a special issue of the Journal of
Theoretical Computer Science. It will be held as a ICALP2002 satellite
event under the auspices of the EATCS.
Invited Speakers
* Martín Abadi (UC Santa Cruz)
* Luca Cardelli (Microsoft)
* Matthew Hennessy (Sussex)
* Jim Waldo (SUN Microsystems)
Programme Committee
* Cédric Fournet (Microsoft)
* Andrew Gordon (Microsoft)
* Alan Jeffrey (De Paul, Chicago)
* Ugo Montanari (Pisa)
* Catuscia Palamidessi (PennState)
* Benjamin Pierce (UPenn)
* Davide Sangiorgi (INRIA)
* Vladimiro Sassone (Sussex, chair)
* Peter Sewell (Cambridge)
Important Dates
Submission 29 Mar 2002
Notification 18 Jun 2002
PreFinal version 1 Jul 2002
Final version 31 Jul 2002
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract of their papers,
presenting original contributions to the workshop themes. Submissions
should be in English and not exceed 15 standard pages. They should be
sent as PS or PDF files to fwan@cogs.susx.ac.uk and be accompanied by
a text-only message containing: title, abstract and keywords, the
authors' full names, and address and e-mail for correspondence.
Simultaneous submission to other meetings with published proceedings
is not allowed.
Organising Committee
* Inmaculada Fortes Ruiz, Llanos Mora, Rafael Morales, Francisco
Triguero (Málaga)
The workshop will be held under the auspices of EATCS, the European
Association of Theoretical Computer Science.