
Call for Participation: FroCoS'02

  April 8 - 10, 2002, Santa Margherita Ligure (near Genova), Italy



  The three previous international workshops on ``Frontiers of
  Combining Systems'' were held in Munich (1996), in Amsterdam (1998),
  and in Nancy (2000).  Like its predecessors, FroCoS'02 is intended
  to offer a common forum for research activities in the general area
  of combination and integration of systems, and on their practical

* Topics. The topics of interest are related to the general area of
  combination and integration of systems, including: combination of
  logics, combination of constraint solving techniques, of decision
  procedures, of term rewriting systems, combination of deduction and
  computer algebra systems, integration of decision procedures and
  other solving processes into constraint programming and deduction
  systems, modeling of hybrid systems, logic modeling of multi-agent

* Proceedings. Presented papers will appear in the proceedings of the
  workshop, published as a volume of the Lecture Notes in Artificial
  Intelligence (LNCS) series, Springer-Verlag. Proceedings will be
  available at the time of the workshop. 

* Program Chair. Alessandro Armando (e-mail: frocos@mrg.dist.unige.it).
* Program committee. A. Armando, D. Basin, F. Benhamou, J. Calmet,
  G. Delzanno, B. Gramlich, D. Kapur, H. Kirchner, M. Kohlhase,
  C. Ringeissen, M. Rusinowitch, K. Schulz, R. Sebastiani, C. Tinelli,
  L. Vigano`, F. Wolter

* Program
  The scientific program can be found at the workshop web page.

* Invited Talks
   - "Integrating BDD-based and SAT-based Model Checking in NuSMV2",
      Alessandro Cimatti, (ITC-IRST, Trento)
   - "A Rewrite-rule based Framework for Combining Decision
      Procedures", Deepak Kapur (U. New Mexico)
   - "PROSPER: an Investigation into Software Architecture for
      Embedded Proof Engines", Tom Melham (U. of Glasgow) 
   - "Foundations of a Constraint-based Illustrator", Greg Nelson
      (COMPAQ, USA)

* Workshop Registration
  The registration form is located at:
  and also appended below.

* Hotel Accommodation

  The Workshop is located at the Hotel Regina Elena located in
  Lungomare Milite Ignoto, 44 in Santa Margherita.  Hotel Regina Elena
  keeps several rooms available for the workshop participants until
  February 15, 2002 at the following special price for the workshop
  participants (breakfast included):

		Main Building	Side Building (*)
  Single Room:   72 Euros	62 Euros
  Double Room:  129 Euros	98 Euros 

  (*) The Side Building (called "Palazzina") is within the property
  area of the Hotel Regina Elena, is just a few meters away of the
  Main Building and offers all the facilities of the Main Building
  with the only exception of the elevator.  After the 15th of February
  2002 availability and the special price are not guaranteed.  A
  complete list of hotels in Santa Margherita as well as a map showing
  their location can be found at:


  Participants have to arrange bookings directly with the chosen

  Please make your hotel reservation AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, by quoting
  "FroCoS'02 Workshop".

Please note the following deadlines:
        Hotel Accommodation at Hotel Regina Elena
	 (Guarantee of availability)		       : February 15, 2002

        Early Workshop Registration		       : February 22, 2002
	Looking forward to your participation,
        A. Armando, L. Compagna, S. Ranise
        The FroCoS'2002 Organizing Committee


FroCoS'02 Registration Form

Please fill this form and return it (preferably before FEBRUARY 22, 2002) 
by email to: frocos@mrg.dist.unige.it
by fax to: 

attn Alessandro Armando
DIST - University of Genova
FAX NUMBER: +39 0103532948
TEL NUMBER: +39 0103532216


Name: .............................................................. 
First Name: ........................................................ 
Affiliation: .......................................................
Address: ...........................................................
E-mail: ............................................................
Fax: ...............................................................
Tel.: ..............................................................

For our information:
Hotel ..............................................................
(NB: The booking should be done directly with the Hotel, 
     by quoting "FroCoS'02 Workshop")

Dietary restrictions: [ ] vegetarian          other: ...............
(check this item if you need vegetarian food)

                   WORKSHOP FEES

-- Early registration, before FEBRUARY 22, 2002
               [ ] 180 Euros

-- Student registration, before FEBRUARY 22, 2002
               [ ] 150 Euros

-- Late registration
               [ ] 250 Euros

The fees include: proceedings, lunches, coffee breaks, and
workshop dinner.   

Please check the appropriate amount for the workshop registration.


Please send this amount by sending Money order in Euro currency to the
  following bank account:

     Number: 5342/90 (DIST - Universita' di Genova)
     Bank: Banca CARIGE S.p.A.
	   Via D'Annunzio, 39
	   16121 - Genova
	   ABI: 6175, CAB: 1472, SWIFT CODE: CRGEITGG090
  Send with your registration form a copy of your order
  and make sure that all bank charges and commissions are covered.

Your registration will be confirmed by email.