Postdoc and PhD student position in Theory of Concurrency
To: concurrency@cwi.nl, eapls@jiscmail.ac.uk, PetriNets@daimi.au.dk, types@cis.upenn.edu, theorynt@listserv.nodak.edu, eatcs-it@cs.unibo.it, eacsl@dimi.uniud.it, nwpt-info@sool.ioc.ee, amast@cs.utwente.nl, tfm-list@doc.ic.ac.uk, moca@sophia.inria.fr
Subject: Postdoc and PhD student position in Theory of Concurrency
From: Joachim Parrow <joachim@DoCS.UU.SE>
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 10:38:33 +0100
The Department of Information Technology at Uppsala University,
Sweden, seeks at least one postdoc and one PhD student for projects in
theory of concurrency.
The projects:
One project is the EU collaboration Profundis: Proofs of functionality
for Mobile Distributed Systems, with Pisa, INRIA and Lisbon. The
objective is to advance the state of the art of formal modelling
and verification techniques to the point where key issues in mobile
distributed systems, such as security protocols, authentication,
access rights and resource management can be treated rigorously and
with considerable automatic support. The other project is nationally
funded on semantic and logical frameworks for new programming and
modelling languages, and associated verification and analysis
methods. In both projects there will be considerable freedom to chose
the precise technical approach within the areas of process algebras,
type theory and logic.
The positions:
We are primarily interested in a postdoc and a PhD student for the
theoretical foundations and tools for mobile computing, such as the
pi-calculus or similar formalisms. However, all applicants in the
general area of the project will be given consideration. The postdoc
position can be between 1 and 3 years (subject to negotiation). At
most 20% of a full-time equivalent will be required for departmental
duties, these will mainly be teaching and advising on a graduate
level. The PhD student position is fully funded for 4 years (or 5
years with 20% departmental duties such as teaching
assistance). Positions start after summer though other time frames can
be negotiated.
For the postdoc: PhD in an area related to the project. For the PhD
student position: BSc in an area related to the project. Good working
knowledge of English is required. Candidates need not speak Swedish
though it is expected that those who stay several years learn it.
The environment:
Currently there are three senior people in the group: Joachim Parrow,
Bjorn Victor and Parosh Abdulla. The positions advertised here are
mainly associated with Parrow and Victor. Closely related groups in
the same department include Bengt Jonsson and Wang Yi; collaborative
efforts will be encouraged but are not mandatory.
The department of Information Technology is one of the largest in
Sweden, with currently 18 full professors in areas related to computer
science, numerical analysis, and cybernetics. It is situated some 15
minutes walk from Uppsala center in a picturesque location near river
Fyris, together with the department of Mathematics and close to most
science departments.
Uppsala University is the oldest in Scandinavia with 37,000 students
in science, technology, arts, social science and medicine. Uppsala
(pop 190,000) is situated some 70 km north of Stockholm and is known
for the active social life of various student organisations. It has
excellent connections through rail and is close to the major
international airport of Sweden.
We foresee an increased need for teachers and chances for a competent
candidate to eventually gain a permanent lecturer position will be
For more information:
Department home page: http://www.it.uu.se
Joachim Parrow: http://www.docs.uu.se/~joachim, email joachim@docs.uu.se
Bjorn Victor: http://www.docs.uu.se/~victor, email Bjorn.Victor@docs.uu.se
Uppsala University: http://info.uu.se/presengl.nsf
Uppsala: http://www.uppsala.se/english/index.htm
Applications with a CV should be sent by email to Prof. Joachim
Parrow, joachim@docs.uu.se, no later than 15 March 2002.