Course Webpages
University of Pennsylvania
Fall 2015: CIS 700 - Integrated Intelligence for Robotics
Fall 2015: CIS 419/519 - Introduction to Machine Learning
Spring 2015: CIS 110 - Introduction to Computer Science
Fall 2014: CIS 419/519 - Introduction to Machine Learning
Spring 2014:
CIS 110 - Introduction to Computer Science
Fall 2013:
CIS 110 - Introduction to Computer Science
Bryn Mawr College
Spring 2013: CMSC
380 - Relational Network Analysis
Spring 2013: CMSC
246 - Programming Paradigms
Fall 2012: CMSC
206 - Data Structures
Fall 2012: CMSC 110 - Introduction to Computing
Spring 2012: CMSC 372 - Artificial Intelligence
Spring 2012: CMSC 206 - Data Structures
Fall 2011: CMSC 206 - Data Structures
Fall 2011: CMSC 110 - Introduction to Computing
Spring 2011: CMSC 380 - Machine Learning
Spring 2011: CMSC 110 - Introduction to Computing
Fall 2010: CMSC 380 - Sustainability and Assistive Computing
Fall 2010: CMSC 312 - Computer Graphics
Swarthmore College
Fall 2009: CPSC 063 - Artificial Intelligence
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Fall 2007: CMSC 471 - Artificial Intelligence
Fall 2006: CMSC 121 - Introduction to Unix (Sections 0101 & 0102)
Fall 2005: CMSC 121 - Introduction to Unix (Section 0102)
Spring 2005: CMSC 203 - Discrete
Many of my course webpages contain slides, lecture notes,
homework assignments, and project ideas. Please feel free to
use any of these materials for teaching your own classes or
for your own education. If you do use any of these
materials, please send me a brief e-mail letting me know
that they are being put to good use. I also welcome any
suggestions that you may have, and encourage you to freely
share your own course materials.
AI for Computational Sustainability Lab Companion
I'm happy to announce the
online textbook Artificial
Intelligence for Computational Sustainability: A Lab
Companion with Doug
Fisher, Bistra Dilkina, and Carla Gomes. This is an
experiment in crowd-sourced textbook creation, intended to
supplement an AI course with assignments related to
sustainability. We recently presented papers on this
project at AAAI'12 (Fisher
et al 2012a) and Computational Sustainability 2012 (Fisher
et al 2012b).
Educational Software
Gridworld search and rescue: a project framework for a course in artificial intelligence.
This educational software allows students to develop an
intelligent agent for a search and rescue application in a
partially observable gridworld. It allows students to focus
on high-level AI issues for solving the problem rather than
low-level robotic navigation. It was used as the semester
project for CS63 (Artificial Intelligence) in Fall 2009 at
Swarthmore College and CMSC 471 (Artificial Intelligence) in
Fall 2007 at UMBC.
Showcase of Student Projects
Below are samples of student projects from my courses:CMSC 380 - Sustainability and Assistive Computing - Fall
2010, Bryn Mawr College
Poster Presentations of Semester Group Projects