A transparent or partially absorbing film on Si wafer
1 General Oscillator Model Fitting
1.1 Procedure for UV Absorbing Films
2 Examples of the operating procedure
2.1 A transparent film
2.2 A partially absorbing film
1. General Oscillator Model Fitting
- General Oscillator Model functions describe the real (ɛ1) and imaginary (ɛ2) parts of the dielectric functions (see Kramers-Kronig Relation), which absorption regions in the spectrum must account for.
- If you handle the transparent region, then set ɛ2 = 0.
- If you handle the absorbing region, then add ɛ2 to ɛ1.
- General Oscillator Model functions are constrained by Kramers-Kronig consistency, but Cauchy model function (see Cauchy Layer) is not.
- The General Oscillator Layer window is shown below.
- Warning: Do not touch n and k in the "Opt Const Fit" boxes.

1.1 Procedure for UV Absorbing Films
- Cauchy Fit: transparent region only
- Pt-by-Pt Fit: all wavelengths,
- fix thickness, then perform pt-by-pt fit
- Build Genosc from tabulated ‘cauchy’
- Match n,k using Genosc: fit reference – first e2, then e1
- Fit Ψ & Δ data using new Genosc model
2. Examples of the operating procedure