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Equipment & Procedures > Equipment List > BIOPAC Sensors

Biopac Sensors and Instruments Part Number Description Links and Manuals
503 Electrodes EL503 For use with the SS2LB lead system. Adheres directly to skin; can be used with electrode prep gel. Specifications
AFT6 Airflow Transducer Calibrator AFT6 Calibrates the SS11LA Airflow Transducer. Consists of a large syringe of a standardized volume.  Specifications / App Note
Blood Pressure Cuff SS19L Measures systolic and diastolic blood pressure. A modified blood pressure cuff. Specifications / App Note
Electrode Prep Isotonic Gel GEL1 An electrolyte gel for use with 503 Electrodes. Specifications
EMG/ECG Shielded Electrode Leads SS2LB Shielded 3-Lead Electrodes (Red,White,Black) for EMG, EEG and ECG data collection.  Specifications
Fast Response Thermistor SS6L Measures temperature; can be used on a variety of body locations. Able to measure rapid changes. Specifications
Hand Dynamometer-Grip Force SS25LA Measures clench force. A lightweight, ergonomical force transducer that produces direct readings of grip force.  Specifications
Headphones OUT1 Wide response HI-FI headphones for the deliverance of auditory stimuli.  Specifications
Heel-Toe Strike Transducer SS28LA Record heel and toe strike activity as a subject walks.  Specifications
Pnemotach Handheld Airflow Transducer SS11LA Measures airflow, and can be used to measure lung volume. A digital version of the classical spirometer. Specifications / App Note
Pulse Plethysmogram Transducer SS4LA Records the blood volume pulse waveform via photoplethysmographic method. Consists of a near infrared emitter and a photodiode detector that detects the changes in infrared reflectance resulting from the pulsed flow of blood. Specifications
Push-Button Hand Switch SS10L Marks an event or determine reaction time. When inserted into Channel 3, can be used as a trigger with headphones in the output channel.  Specifications
Reflex Hammer Transducer SS36L Measures strike magnitude; a force transducer coupled to a medical reflex hammer, the device gauges the strength of impact.  Specifications
Respiratory Effort Transducer  SS5LB Records respiratory effort. Consists of a transducer on an elastic band that gauges the expansion and contraction of thoracic or abdominal circumference. Specifications
Single-Axis Goniometer (In-House) N/A Single output device that provides measurements about an orhogonal rotational axis. Directly incorporates a B10kΩ linear potentiometer to produce the signal.   Specifications & App Note
Stethoscope SS30L Measures and records heart sounds. Can be used in conjunction with SS4LA, SS19L, and/or SS2LB. Specifications
Tri-Axial Accelerometer SS27L Measures accelerations in the x-,y-, and z-axes. Good for quick movements. Specifications / App Note
Twin-Axis Goniometer 110 mm SS20L Dual ouput device that can provide simultaneous measurements around two orthogonal rotational axes. Two channels are required to measure output, one for each axis.  Specifications / App Note


PENN BioengineeringPENN EngineeringPENN

Bioengineering Undergraduate Laboratories
Department of Bioengineering
School of Engineering and Applied Science
University of Pennsylvania
240 Skirkanich Hall
210 S. 33rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Last Update:August 16, 2013
Page Maintained by Sevile G. Mannickarottu