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The grading for the course will tentatively consist of:

Homework Grades
We use points on homework as a mechanism to provide feedback. You should be learning from doing the assignments and also from the feedback on them, which means homework grades may well be lower than you are used to. Don’t worry! In past semesters 30%-40% of CIS 110 students have received an A- or better in the course, and we expect this semester to be similar.

Given the shortened duration of the Summer semester, no homework assignments will be dropped.

Exam Grades
We publish raw exam grades and do not curve exams. Instead, we curve the class at the end of the semester if necessary. CIS 110 exams are usually challenging, so a low raw score is not cause for panic.

Lecture Attendance
You may attend the class synchronously or asynchronously. Your score will be based on your live attendance of lectures or your viewing of lecture recordings posted to Canvas.

Making up work
Grades are based on your performance on work completed during the semester in accordance with course policies. It is not possible to make up work in order to improve your grade or compensate for violations of course policy.

Incompletes, with permission to complete coursework after the semester ends, will be granted only in verifiable cases of serious, extended illness or similar extraordinary circumstances.

Grounds for failure
A serious lack of effort may be grounds for failure in the course. If you find yourself in any of the situations below, you should meet with an instructor promptly to discuss your situation:

Conversion to letter grades
All graded work is converted to a percentage grade between 0% and 100%. Homeworks are converted by dividing your score by 50 (the maximum number of points per assignment). Here is approximately how the percentage grades will map to final letter grades: