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CIS 1100 Schedule
  • Keep in mind that this calendar may not reflect university holidays, breaks, and exam period, and occasionally changes may be announced on the course web site and via EdStem that are not reflected here.
  • You can access the Office Hours Queue here.
  • Professor OH will also be held through OHQ.

While we offer lots of office hours throughout the week, we are aware that the times closer to the homework deadlines tend to get busier. If the queue gets too busy, the TAs will temporarily queue so that they can make sure they can get through all the students who join the queue. We ask that you remain patient as TAs help all students and make a serious effort to go to OH earlier in the week so that you experience shorter wait times.

Please note that if you don’t see the embedded Google Calendar below, please use Google Chrome and ensure that you’re signed into your Penn email account. The calendar can also be accessed here.