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Equipment & Procedures > Equipment List > Electrical Components

All components can be found at Location 283 unless otherwise specified. Click on links for data sheets and/or pictures.

Some tips on circuit building and debugging can be found here. A list of electrical cables available in the lab can be found here.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please return all salvagable components to the appropriate bin when you have finished using them, with the exception of resistors. Please throw resistors in the trash can.



Resistor Calculator

10 Ω Resistor
22 Ω Resistor
47 Ω Resistor
100 Ω Resistor
120 Ω Resistor
150 Ω Resistor
220 Ω Resistor
270 Ω Resistor
330 Ω Resistor
470 Ω Resistor
680 Ω Resistor
1 kΩ Resistor
1.5 kΩ Resistor
2 kΩ Resistor
2.2 kΩ Resistor
2.7 kΩ Resistor
3.3 kΩ Resistor
4.7 kΩ Resistor
5.1 kΩ Resistor
5.6 kΩ Resistor
10 kΩ Resistor
15 kΩ Resistor
22 kΩ Resistor
33 kΩ Resistor
43 kΩ Resistor
47 kΩ Resistor
100 kΩ Resistor
110 kΩ Resistor
470 kΩ Resistor
510 kΩ Resistor
1 MΩ Resistor
1.6 MΩ Resistor
3.3 MΩ Resistor
10 MΩ Resistor
50 MΩ Resistor
100 MΩ Resistor



1 kΩ Potentiometer
5 kΩ Potentiometer
10 kΩ Potentiometer
50 kΩ Potentiometer
100 kΩ Potentiometer
500 kΩ Potentiometer
1 MΩ Potentiometer


47 pF Capacitor
100 pF Capacitor
150 pF Capacitor
220 pF Capacitor
330 pF Capacitor
470 pF Capacitor
680 pF Capacitor
1000 pF Capacitor
1500 pF Capacitor
2200 pF Capacitor
3300 pF Capacitor
4700 pF Capacitor
6800 pF Capacitor
0.01 µF Capacitor
0.022 µF Capacitor
0.033 µF Capacitor
0.047 µF Capacitor
0.1 µF Capacitor
0.33 µF Capacitor
0.47 µF Capacitor
1 µF Capacitor (Do NOT use for passive filters)
10 µF Capacitor (Do NOT use for passive filters)
100 µF Capacitor (Do NOT use for passive filters)


Other Components top

Green LED
Yellow LED
Blue LED
White LED
600 nm LED (orange)
UV LED (~405nm)
Photodiode (FDS100)
Thermistor (NTC-103-R)
NPN3904 Transistor
PNP3906 Transistor
2N2222 NPN Transistor
2N7000 FET (n-channel)
358 Dual Op-Amp
441 Op-Amp
555 Timer
741 Op-Amp
1050 Op-Amp
LM317 Variable Voltage Regulator
MC7805 5V Voltage Regulator
UAF 42AP Active Filter (Application Note) (Filter42 Guide)
Two-pin terminal block (picture)
Switch SPDT (Model 7101SYZBE) (picture)
Switch 8-DIP SPST (picture)
Switch, Push Button
Alligator Clips
Fans (5 V)
Male Jumpers
Female Jumpers
8-pin header - female (picture)
8-pin header - male (picture)
Binding Post - Red (picture)
Binding Post - Black (picture)
Banana Plugs with Set screw (picture)
Banana Plugs with Set screw and safety collar (picture)
8-pin chip holder
9V Battery connector (See General Inventory List for location)
Breadboards (Large & Small) (See General Inventory List for location)
Protoboards (See General Inventory List for location)





PENN BioengineeringPENN EngineeringPENN

Bioengineering Undergraduate Laboratories
Department of Bioengineering
School of Engineering and Applied Science
University of Pennsylvania
240 Skirkanich Hall
210 S. 33rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Last Update:August 4, 2014
Page Maintained by Sevile G. Mannickarottu