Exam 1


  • Date Wednesday, October 9th
  • Time Class Time
  • Rooms Towne 100

Topics Covered

  • What will be on the exam? Anything we have covered in lecture, recitation, and homeworks up until (and including) Monday, September 30 is fair game for the exam. It is reasonable to assume that topics we have dealt with more extensively are likely to feature more prominently than topics we have only touched on, although anything is possible.

  • Will X be on the exam? Please refer to the previous section. To ensure all students receive identical information about what will and will not be on the exam, course staff have been instructed to refer students to this page without commenting further.

Practice Materials

We aim to release a full-length practice exam by Wednesday, October 2 here on the website. In the meantime, we recommend you refer to all of the practice problems you’ve encountered in lecture, recitation (slides & worksheets), and SRS—for the most part, these are good representations of the types of questions you may be responsible for answering!

Topics Covered

  • What will be on the exam? Anything we have covered in lecture, homeworks, and/or reading assignments is fair game for the exam. It is reasonable to assume that topics we have dealt with more extensively are likely to feature more prominently than topics we have only touched on, although anything is possible.

  • Will X be on the exam? Please refer to the previous section. To ensure all students receive identical information about what will and will not be on the exam, course staff have been instructed to refer students to this page without commenting further.

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Fall 2024 Practice Exam Questions Answers