PennDraw Reference

The penndraw Python package is a reimplementation of, which is itself an expanded version of StdDraw from Sedgewick and Wayne’s Introduction to Programming in Java: An Interdisciplinary Approach. PennDraw supports everything that StdDraw supports, plus additional drawing and animation commands. This Python version is implemented using pyglet.

Downloading and Using PennDraw

If you are using Codio, the penndraw package has already been installed for you. You should not need to install or configure anything to run PennDraw programs.

If you want to use penndraw outside of Codio, you can install it on all platforms using the following command:

pip install penndraw

Please note that animations do not work outside of Codio on Windows machines right now.

Getting Started: A Simple Program

Here’s a simple program that draws a line and a point:

import penndraw as pd
pd.line(0, 0, 1, 1)
pd.point(0, 1)
  • PennDraw is implemented as a Python package called penndraw. You must import this at the start of each program that uses PennDraw. The line import penndraw as pd takes care of this and allows you to use the abbreviation pd as well. All of the documentation assumes that you are using the pd abbreviation.
  • PennDraw takes care of creating a window for you as soon as you start drawing.
  • pd.line(0, 0, 1, 1) draws a line from near the lower-left corner to the near the upper-right corner.
  • pd.point(0, 1) draws a point near the upper left corner
  • causes your drawing to appear. Forgetting to do this will mean that your line & point won’t show up.

Window Size and Scale

By default, the PennDraw window is 512×512 pixels. To change this, use

pd.set_canvas_size(width, height)
  • width and height are the width and height of the drawing area in pixels (including the drawing area’s “margin”, but not including the window title or window borders).
  • Calling pd.set_canvas_size() will erase everything in your window, and reset your line width, color, and font. It’s best to use it only once at the very beginning of your programming.

You can also change the window’s coordinate system, which can make it much easier to compute the coordinates for your shapes:

pd.set_x_scale(left, right)
pd.set_y_scale(bottom, top)
pd.set_scale(left/bottom, right/top)
  • left is the x-coordinate of the left edge, right is the x-coordinate of the right edge, bottom is the y-coordinate of the bottom edge, and top is the y-coordinate of the top edge. pd.set_scale(left/bottom, right/top) is similar to calling both pd.set_x_scale(left, right) and pd.set_y_scale(bottom, top) with the same inputs (both x- and y-scales will be the same.)
  • pd.set_scale() resets the scale to the default. It is equivalent to pd.set_scale(0, 1)
  • left, right, top, and bottom can all be fractional or negative numbers, such as 1.2, 3.14159, or -2.71828.

Trying out the scale functions:

  • Cut and paste the program below into a blank file and save it into that folder under the name Make sure the capitalization matches exactly.
  • Run When you run it, you should see a line between the bottom left and the center of the canvas. Note that the line now ends in the top middle of the image: the call to pd.set_x_scale(0, 2) redefined the right margin to have x-coordinate 2, so the x-coordinate 1 now refers to the middle of the window.
import penndraw as pd
pd.set_x_scale(0, 2)
pd.line(0, 0, 1, 1)
  • Play with different values in the call to pd.set_x_scale(). Each time you make a change, save your file, close the running program, and then run the program again.
  • Replace the class to pd.set_x_scale() with a call to pd.set_y_scale(). Play with different values to see the effect on the image.
  • Specifically, try pd.set_y_scale(1, 0). This should flip your image vertically—it defines the top margin to have y-coordinate 0 and the bottom margin to have y-coordinate 1.
  • Try calling pd.set_scale(left/top, right/bottom) and see what it does with different values.
  • Try calling pd.set_x_scale() and pd.set_y_scale() in the same program.

Point/Line Thickness and Color

These calls adjust the line thickness:

  • pd.set_pen_radius resets the line thickness to the default, which is fairly arbitrarily defined as 0.002.
  • pd.set_pen_radius(radius) sets the line width to the value radius. To get a line that is twice as thick as the default, use pd.set_pen_radius(0.004).

You can also change the line color:

pd.set_pen_color(red, green, blue)
pd.set_pen_color(red, green, blue, alpha)
  • pd.set_pen_color() resets the pen color to the default (black).
  • pd.set_pen_color(color) sets the color to the specified, named color. You can choose from the table below.
  • pd.set_pen_color(red, green, blue) sets the pen color to the specified (red, green, blue) value. red, green, and blue should be integers (whole numbers) between 0 and 255. For black, set all three to 0 for white set all three to 255. You can easily figure out the correct values using any of the myriad color pickers available on the web. Here’s one color picker that works great.
  • pd.set_pen_color(red, green, blue, alpha) set the pen color to the specified (red, green, blue) value and the specified transparency alpha. All four numbers should be integers between 0 and 255. Set alpha to 0 to make the color fully transparent (invisible), or 255 to make it fully opaque (solid). Anything in between will be translucent.
PennDraw Name Color Sample PennDraw Name Color Sample

Trying out line thickness and color functions:

  • Cut and paste the sample program below into a blank file, and save it into your folder as penndraw_pen_test. Run it. You should see a figure similar to the one below (the blue line should be thicker than the black line).
import penndraw as pd
pd.line(0, 0, 1, 1)
pd.line(1, 0, 0, 1)
  • Try out different values for pd.set_pen_color(), including different named colors, red/green/blue values, and red/green/blue/alpha values. See how each one affects the second line’s color.
  • Try specifying the color pd.set_pen_color( Your program will not run successfully, and you will get an error along the lines of the following:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: module 'penndraw' has no attribute 'blue'

This is a runtime error that leads to a crash in your program. The moral of the story is that CAPITALIZATION MATTERS!

  • Try specifying a fractional value for red/green/blue/alpha, like 0.5. You should get a different compiler error along the lines of
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/Users/harrysmith/Documents/PennDraw/penndraw/", line 160, in set_pen_color
    color = _validate_color(args)
  File "/Users/harrysmith/Documents/PennDraw/penndraw/", line 216, in _validate_color
    raise ValueError(
ValueError: Invalid colors: must have 3 or 4 integer components between 0-255.

This is Python’s way of saying that you have specified a color value that looks ok at first sight (everything is whole numbers), but is in fact bogus. It’s analagous to an English sentence that is grammatically correct and made up of real words, but is total gibberish. (“Green blackbirds cha-cha solemnly from dawn to Australia.”)

  • Try different values for pd.set_pen_radius() and see how they affect the second line’s thickness.

Clearing the Window

To clear the window, use: pd.clear()

pd.clear(red, green, blue)
pd.clear(red, green, blue, alpha)

pd.clear() erases everything on the screen and makes the entire window background white. If you want to set the window background to a different color, you can specify the color by name, or as red, green, and blue values, just like line colors. You can even specify transparency on your background color, in which case whatever was already drawn on the window will show through.

Points and Lines

Draw points and lines using:

pd.point(x, y)
pd.line(xstart, ystart, xend, yend)

x, y, xstart, ystart, xend, and yend are the coordinates of the point and the start and end of the line. The sample programs in the previous section illustrate their use.

Squares and Circles

Draw squares and circles using:

pd.square(xcenter, ycenter, half_width)
pd.square(xcenter, ycenter, half_width, angle)
pd.filled_square(xcenter, ycenter, half_width)
pd.filled_square(xcenter, ycenter, half_width, angle), ycenter, radius)
pd.filledCircle(xcenter, ycenter, radius)

xcenter and ycenter are the coordinates of the center of the square, not one of its corners! angle gives the amount of counter-clockwise rotation in degrees. pd.square() draws an outline in the current line color. pd.filled_square() draws a square filled in with the current line color.

Sample square program:

import penndraw as pd
# solid black square centered at (.5, .5)
# with sides of length .6 (half-width of .3)
pd.filled_square(0.5, 0.5, 0.3)

# blue square outline centered at (.7, .3)
# with sides of length .4
# rotated 30 degrees counter-clockwise
pd.square(.7, .3, .2, 30)

Rectangles and Ellipses

Draw rectangles using:

pd.rectangle(xcenter, ycenter, half_width, half_height)
pd.rectangle(xcenter, ycenter, half_width, half_height, angle)
pd.filled_rectangle(xcenter, ycenter, half_width, half_height)
pd.filled_rectangle(xcenter, ycenter, half_width, half_height, angle)

pd.ellipse(xcenter, ycenter, half_width, half_height)
pd.ellipse(xcenter, ycenter, half_width, half_height, angle)
pd.filled_ellipse(xcenter, ycenter, half_width, half_height)
pd.filled_ellipse(xcenter, ycenter, half_width, half_height, angle)

xcenter and ycenter are the coordinates of the center of the rectangle, not one of its corners! angle gives the amount of counter-clockwise rotation in degrees. pd.rectangle() and pd.ellipse() draw the outlines of the shapes only. pd.filled_rectangle() and pd.filled_ellipse() draw filled shapes.

Sample rectangle program:

import penndraw as pd
# solid black square centered at (.5, .5)
# with sides of length .6 (half-width of .3)
pd.filled_rectangle(0.5, 0.5, 0.3, .15)

# blue square outline centered at (.7, .3)
# with sides of length .4
# rotated 30 degrees counter-clockwise
pd.rectangle(.7, .3, .2, .1, 30)

Arcs, Closed Arcs, and Pies

PennDraw supports circular arcs, or arcs that are part of a circle. Specify them by providing the center and radius of a circle, and the start and end angles of the arc you want to draw. You can also close the arc with a straight line or chord (a “closed arc”), or by connected the ends of the arc back to the center of the circle (a “pie”):

pd.arc(x, y, r, start_angle, end_angle)

pd.closed_arc(x, y, r, start_angle, end_angle)
pd.filled_arc(x, y, r, start_angle, end_angle)

pd.pie(x, y, r, start_angle, end_angle)
pd.filled_pie(x, y, r, start_angle, end_angle)

Sample arc program:

# Filename:
import penndraw as pd
# black arc
pd.arc(0.15, 0.6, 0.3, 10, 100)

# blue closed arc and filled arc
pd.closed_arc(0.15, 0.3, 0.3, 10, 100)
pd.filled_arc(0.15, 0.0, 0.3, 10, 100)

# red pie and filled pie
pd.pie(0.65, 0.6, 0.3, 10, 100)
pd.filled_pie(0.65, 0.1, 0.3, 10, 100)

Polylines and Polygons

Polygons and polylines are closely related: for both you specify a list of coordinates that are connected in order by straight line segments. The difference is that a polygon connects the last point back to the first one to create a closed shape. For each of the functions below, the arguments are the alternating x and y coordinates of the points. You can specify as many points as you like.

pd.polyline(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ...)
pd.polygon(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ...)
pd.filled_polygon(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ...)

Sample polyline/polygon program:

# Filename:

import penndraw as pd
# three-segment (four-point) black polyline
pd.polyline(0, 0, 0.25, 0, .25, 1, 0, 1)

# blue, five-sided polygon
pd.polygon(0.5, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0.7, 0.75, 1, 0.5, 0.7)


Drawing images is quite easy:

pd.picture(xcenter, ycenter, filename)
pd.picture(xcenter, ycenter, filename, angle)
pd.picture(xcenter, ycenter, filename, width, height)
pd.picture(xcenter, ycenter, filename, width, height, angle)
  • xcenter and ycenter are the coordinate where the image should be centered.
  • filename is the name of the picture file, this file should be written in quotations with file extensions, for example "dog.jpg" would be a valid filename.
  • If this point is outside the window, the image will not be drawn at all.
  • angle is the amount to rotate the image counter-clockwise, in degrees
  • The image will be drawn full size unless you specify width and height. The width and height values are in pixels, not coordinates. If both values are specified, the image will be squashed or stretched to fit. If one of the values is zero, the image will be scaled to fit the other one.
  • Use negative width and/or height values to flip the image.


Drawing Text:

pd.text(x, y, text)
pd.text(x, y, text, angle)

pd.text_left(x, y, text)
pd.text_left(x, y, text, angle)

pd.text_right(x, y, text)
pd.text_right(x, y, text, angle)
  • text must be a single line of text. To draw multiple lines of text, you need to call the text() functions once per line, using different y coordinates.
  • Text will be drawn in the current line color.
  • Remember that text is a string and therefore should be in quotes.

For example:

pd.text(0.4, 0.2, "abc", 30)

Changing the font and size:

pd.set_font(font_name, point_size)
  • Font sizes are specified in points (i.e. 12 is small-but-legible), not coordinates or pixels.
  • In CIS 1100 we recommend that you do not change font names because the grading computers have different fonts installed than your PC. If you switch fonts, your drawing is likely to look different to your TA than it does to you. It is safe to change the size using set_font_size() and to turn bold and italic on and off.

Listing & Modifying Fonts:

⚠️⚠️⚠️ These font-related tools are not yet implemented. Using them will crash your program. ⚠️⚠️⚠️

The available fonts vary system by system, and it can be a little difficult to figure out what the names to give set_font(). We provide the following function to help you:


  • pd.list_fonts() prints out a list of all the font names you can use to the Terminal or Command Prompt. Every PC has different fonts installed, so changing fonts is a little dangerous if you want other people to run your program and see the same drawing. (If you ask for a font that isn’t installed, Python will substitute another font that may well look completely different.)

You can modify the style of the font using the following functions:


Or, well, you could. But they’re not implemented yet. So don’t.


PennDraw provides a function that can be used for creating animations:

# Filename:
import penndraw as pd

# Stuff here will run just once.
pd.set_canvas_size(500, 500)
x_center = 0.5
y_center = 0.5
half_side = 0.1

# Stuff indented under "while True:" will
# execute once per "frame" of the animation.
while True:
    pd.filled_square(x_center, y_center, half_side)
    x_center += 0.01
    if x_center > 1 + half_side:
        x_center = -half_side
    pd.advance() # necessary to make anim. appear
  • If you are creating an animation instead of a static drawing, you should not use at the end of the program.
  • Drawing commands will not immediately show up on the screen in animation mode. Instead the drawing will be created in memory, and will only be shown when you call pd.advance(). Moreover, PennDraw will ensure that new frames are not shown faster than the frame rate you specified.
  • If your drawing takes to long to prepare in memory (usually because you have lots of complicated drawing commands), it will not be possible to maintain the frame rate you specified. In this case your animation will be slow and jerky. Your options are to simplify the drawing so it completes faster, or slow down the frame rate to give yourself more time.

Keyboard and Mouse

PennDraw has very basic support for keyboard and mouse input. It is much less powerful than most user interface libraries provide, but also much simpler.

  • pd.mouse_pressed() returns True or False to indicate whether a mouse button is currently pressed. Use this inside an animation loop to determine if the user is currently clicking.
  • pd.mouse_x() returns the x-coordinate of the mouse cursor’s current position. It uses the same coordinate system as the drawing commands.
  • pd.mouse_y() returns the y-coordinate of the mouse cursor’s current position.
  • pd.has_next_key_typed() returns True or False to indicate whether the user is currently holding down a key in this frame.
  • pd.next_key_typed() returns the character that the user is currently typing. If the user hasn’t typed anything, it will generate a runtime error and your program will crash. If the user is pressing multiple keys at once, one will be selected arbitrarily. This function responds with the correct character if shift is being held.
  • pd.is_key_typed() allows you to check whether or not specific key is being typed right now. This can be more convenient to use than the has_next_key_typed/next_key_typed pattern when you’re looking to match against a small number of key presses.

To read in a message that a user types in one character at a time, you need to call pd.next_key_typed() once for each character the user has typed. The following example builds a String of everything the user has typed so far, then prints it out:

while True:
    s = ""
    if pd.has_next_key_typed(): # make sure there is keyboard input to process
        s += pd.next_key_typed() # read in one character of keyboard input and add it to the end of s
        print(s) # print out the input history