Name: | 8-channel device |
Usage: | High-throughput clotting assay |
Publications: |
Zhu S, Travers RJ, Morrissey JH, Diamond SL. FXIa and platelet polyphosphate as therapeutic targets during human blood clotting on collagen/tissue factor surfaces under flow. Blood., 2015 Sep 17;126(12):1494-502.
Zhu S, Diamond SL. Contact activation of blood coagulation on a defined kaolin/collagen surface in a microfluidic assay. Thromb Res., 2014 Dec;134(6):1335-43.
Li R, Panckeri KA, Fogarty PF, Cuker A, Diamond SL. Recombinant factor VIIa addition to haemophilic blood perfused over collagen/tissue factor can sufficiently bypass the factor IXa/VIIIa defect to rescue fibrin generation. Haemophilia, 2017 Sep;23(5):759-768.
Li R, Diamond SL. Detection of platelet sensitivity to inhibitors of COX-1, P2Y(1), and P2Y(1)(2) using a whole blood microfluidic flow assay. Thromb Res, Feb 2014; 133 (2): 203-210.
Li R, Fries S, Li X, Grosser T, Diamond SL. Microfluidic assay of platelet deposition on collagen by perfusion of whole blood from healthy individuals taking aspirin. Clin Chem 2013; 59 (8): 1195-1204.
Colace TV, Fogarty PF, Panckeri KA, Li R, Diamond SL. Microfluidic assay of hemophilic blood clotting: distinct deficits in platelet and fibrin deposition at low factor levels. J Thromb Haemost, Feb 2014; 12 (2): 147-158.
Colace TV, Muthard RW, Diamond SL. Thrombus growth and embolism on tissue factor-bearing collagen surfaces under flow: role of thrombin with and without fibrin. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2012; 32 (6): 1466-1476.
Colace TV, Jobson J, Diamond SL. Relipidated tissue factor linked to collagen surfaces potentiates platelet adhesion and fibrin formation in a microfluidic model of vessel injury. Bioconjug Chem 2011; 22 (10): 2104-2109.
Colace T, Falls E, Zheng XL, Diamond SL. Analysis of morphology of platelet aggregates formed on collagen under laminar blood flow. Ann Biomed Eng 2011; 39 (2): 922-929.
Maloney SF, Brass LF, Diamond SL. P2Y12 or P2Y1 inhibitors reduce platelet deposition in a microfluidic model of thrombosis while apyrase lacks efficacy under flow conditions. Integr Biol. 2010; 2 (4): 183-192.
Name: | Side-view device |
Usage: | Clot growth, structure, and permeation |
Publications: |
Muthard RW, Diamond SL. Side view thrombosis microfluidic device with controllable wall shear rate and transthrombus pressure gradient. Lab Chip 2013; 13 (10): 1883-1891
Muthard RW, Welsh JD, Brass LF, Diamond SL. Fibrin, γ'-fibrinogen, and transclot pressure gradient control hemostatic clot growth during human blood flow over a collagen/tissue factor wound. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol., 2015 Mar;35(3):645-54.
Welsh JD, Colace TV, Muthard RW, Stalker TJ, Brass LF, Diamond SL. Platelet-targeting sensor reveals thrombin gradients within blood clots forming in microfluidic assays and in mouse. J Thromb Haemost 2012 Nov;10(11):2344-53.