The Diamond laboratory has worked on a variety of numerical problems motivated by reaction-transport processes in cardiovascular biology:
1. |
1996 |
Anand S, Diamond SL. Computer simulation of systemic circulation and clot lysis dynamics during thrombolytic therapy that accounts for inner clot transport and reaction. Circulation 1996; 94 (4): 763-774  |
2. |
Vaidya DS, Nitsche JM, Diamond SL, Kofke DA. Convection-diffusion of solutes in media with piecewise constant transport properties. Chemical Engineering Science 1996; 51 (24): 5299-5312  |
3. |
Vaidya DS, Nitsche JM, Diamond SL, Kofke DA. Convection-diffusion of solutes in dynamic media. Adsorption-Journal of the International Adsorption Society 1996; 3 (1): 41-54  |
4. |
1997 |
Tandon P, Diamond SL. Hydrodynamic effects and receptor interactions of platelets and their aggregates in linear shear flow. Biophys J 1997; 73 (5): 2819-2835  |
5. |
Vaidya DS, Diamond SL, Nitsche JM, Kofke DA. Potential for use of liquid crystals as dynamically tunable electrophoretic media. Aiche Journal 1997; 43 (5): 1366-1368  |
6. |
Vaidya DS, Nitsche JM, Diamond SL, Kofke DA. Perturbation solution to the convection-diffusion equation with moving fronts. Aiche Journal 1997; 43 (3): 631-644  |
7. |
1998 |
Tandon P, Diamond SL. Kinetics of beta2-integrin and L-selectin bonding during neutrophil aggregation in shear flow. Biophys J 1998; 75 (6): 3163-3178  |
8. |
1999 |
Laurenzi IJ, Diamond SL. Monte Carlo simulation of the heterotypic aggregation kinetics of platelets and neutrophils. Biophys J 1999; 77 (3): 1733-1746  |
9. |
2002 |
Laurenzi IJ, Bartels JD, Diamond SL. A general algorithm for exact simulation of multicomponent aggregation processes. Journal of Computational Physics 2002; 177 (2): 418-449  |
10. |
2003 |
Doggett TA, Girdhar G, Lawshe A, Miller JL, Laurenzi IJ, Diamond SL, Diacovo TG. Alterations in the intrinsic properties of the GPIb?-VWF tether bond define the kinetics of the platelet-type von Willebrand disease mutation, Gly233Val. Blood 2003; 102 (1): 152-160  |
11. |
Laurenzi IJ, Diamond SL. Kinetics of random aggregation-fragmentation processes with multiple components. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys 2003; 67 (5 Pt 1): 051103  |
12. |
2005 |
Lo K, Denney WS, Diamond SL. Stochastic modeling of blood coagulation initiation. Pathophysiol Haemost Thromb 2005; 34 (2-3): 80-90  |
13. |
2008 |
Purvis JE, Chatterjee MS, Brass LF, Diamond SL. A molecular signaling model of platelet phosphoinositide and calcium regulation during homeostasis and P2Y1 activation. Blood 2008; 112 (10): 4069-4079  |
14. |
2009 |
Diamond SL. Systems biology to predict blood function. J Thromb Haemost 2009; 7 Suppl 1 : 177-180  |
15. |
Flamm MH, Diamond SL, Sinno T. Lattice kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of convective-diffusive systems. J Chem Phys 2009; 130 (9): 094904  |
16. |
Purvis JE, Radhakrishnan R, Diamond SL. Steady-state kinetic modeling constrains cellular resting states and dynamic behavior. PLoS Comput Biol 2009; 5 (3): e1000298  |
17. |
2010 |
Chatterjee MS, Denney WS, Jing HY, Diamond SL. Systems Biology of Coagulation Initiation: Kinetics of Thrombin Generation in Resting and Activated Human Blood. Plos Computational Biology 2010; 6 : 9  |
18. |
Chatterjee MS, Purvis JE, Brass LF, Diamond SL. Pairwise agonist scanning predicts cellular signaling responses to combinatorial stimuli. Nat Biotechnol 2010; 28 (7): 727-732  |
19. |
Neeves KB, Illing DA, Diamond SL. Thrombin flux and wall shear rate regulate fibrin fiber deposition state during polymerization under flow. Biophys J 2010; 98 (7): 1344-1352  |
20. |
2011 |
Colace T, Falls E, Zheng XL, Diamond SL. Analysis of morphology of platelet aggregates formed on collagen under laminar blood flow. Ann Biomed Eng 2011; 39 (2): 922-929  |
21. |
Flamm MH, Sinno T, Diamond SL. Simulation of aggregating particles in complex flows by the lattice kinetic Monte Carlo method. J Chem Phys 2011; 134 (3): 034905  |
22. |
2012 |
Flamm MH, Colace TV, Chatterjee MS, Jing H, Zhou S, Jaeger D, Brass LF, Sinno T, Diamond SL. Multiscale prediction of patient-specific platelet function under flow. Blood 2012; 120 (1): 190-198  |
23. |
Flamm MH, Diamond SL. Multiscale systems biology and physics of thrombosis under flow. Ann Biomed Eng 2012; 40 (11): 2355-2364  |
24. |
King MR, Diamond SL. Multiscale systems biology: a special issue devoted to understanding biology and medicine across multiple scales. Ann Biomed Eng 2012; 40 (11): 2293-2294  |
25. |
Muthard RW, Diamond SL. Blood clots are rapidly assembled hemodynamic sensors: flow arrest triggers intraluminal thrombus contraction. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2012; 32 (12): 2938-2945  |
26. |
Welsh JD, Colace TV, Muthard RW, Stalker TJ, Brass LF, Diamond SL. Platelet-targeting sensor reveals thrombin gradients within blood clots forming in microfluidic assays and in mouse. J Thromb Haemost 2012; :  |
27. |
2013 |
Diamond SL, Purvis J, Chatterjee M, Flamm MH. Systems biology of platelet-vessel wall interactions. Front Physiol 2013; 4 : 229  |
28. |
Stalker TJ, Traxler EA, Wu J, Wannemacher KM, Cermignano SL, Voronov R, Diamond SL, Brass LF. Hierarchical organization in the hemostatic response and its relationship to the platelet-signaling network. Blood 2013; 121 (10): 1875-1885  |
29. |
Voronov RS, Stalker TJ, Brass LF, Diamond SL. Simulation of intrathrombus fluid and solute transport using in vivo clot structures with single platelet resolution. Ann Biomed Eng 2013; 41 (6): 1297-1307  |