223. |
Govindarajan V, Zhu S, Li R, Lu Y, Diamond SL, Reifman J, Mitrophanov AY. Impact of Tissue Factor Localization on Blood Clot Structure and Resistance under Venous Shear. Biophys J., 2018 Feb 27;114(4):978-991. |
222. |
Mirramezani M, Herbig BA, Stalker TJ, Nettey L, Cooper M, Weisel JW, Diamond SL, Sinno T, Brass LF, Shadden SC, Tomaiuolo M. Platelet packing density is an independent regulator of the hemostatic response to injury. J Thromb Haemost., 2018 Feb 28. |
221. |
Tsiklidis E, Sims C, Sinno T, Diamond SL. Multiscale systems biology of trauma-induced coagulopathy. Wiley Interdiscip Rev Syst Biol Med. , 2018 Feb 27. |
220. |
Herbig BA, Diamond SL. Thrombi produced in stagnation point flows have a core-shell structure. Cell Mol Bioeng., 2017 Dec;10(6):515-521. |
219. |
Yu X, Tan J, Diamond SL. Hemodynamic force triggers rapid NETosis within sterile thrombotic occlusions. J Thromb Haemost., 2018 Feb;16(2):316-329. |
218. |
Kaza EA, Egalka MC, Zhou H, Chen J, Evans D, Prats J, Li R, Diamond SL, Vincent JA, Bacha EA, Diacovo TG. P2Y12 Receptor Function and Response to Cangrelor in Neonates With Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease. JACC Basic Transl Sci., 2017 Aug;2(4):465-476. |
217. |
Lee MY, Verni CC, Herbig BA, Diamond SL. Soluble fibrin causes an acquired platelet glycoprotein VI signaling defect: implications for coagulopathy. J Thromb Haemost., 2017 Dec;15(12):2396-2407. |
216. |
Diamond SL. New microfluidic paths to test for bleeding or clotting. Cell Mol Bioeng., 2017 Feb;10(1):1-2. |
215. |
Diamond SL. When Flow Goes Slow, von Willebrand Factor Can Bind Red Blood Cells. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol., 2017 Sep;37(9):1595. |
214. |
Bouckaert C, Zhu S, Govers-Riemslag JWP, Depoorter M, Diamond SL, Pochet L. Discovery and assessment of water soluble coumarins as inhibitors of the coagulation contact pathway. Thromb Res., 2017 Sep;157:126-133. |
213. |
Martinez de Lizarrondo S, Gakuba C, Herbig BA, Repesse Y, Ali C, Denis CV, Lenting PJ, Touze E, Diamond SL, Vivien D, Gauberti M. Potent Thrombolytic Effect of N-Acetylcysteine on Arterial Thrombi. Circulation, 2017 Aug 15;136(7):646-660. |
212. |
Li R, Panckeri KA, Fogarty PF, Cuker A, Diamond SL. Recombinant factor VIIa addition to haemophilic blood perfused over collagen/tissue factor can sufficiently bypass the factor IXa/VIIIa defect to rescue fibrin generation. Haemophilia, 2017 Sep;23(5):759-768. |
211. |
Li R, Grosser T, Diamond SL. Microfluidic whole blood testing of platelet response to pharmacological agents. Platelets, 2017 Jul;28(5):457-462. |
210. |
2017 |
Welsh JD, Poventud-Fuentes I, Sampietro S, Diamond SL, Stalker TJ, Brass LF. Hierarchical organization of the hemostatic response to penetrating injuries in the mouse macrovasculature. J Thromb Haemost., 2017 Mar;15(3):526-537. |
209. |
Zhu S, Lu Y, Sinno T, Diamond SL. Dynamics of Thrombin Generation and Flux from Clots during Whole Human Blood Flow over Collagen/Tissue Factor Surfaces. J Biol Chem., 2016 Oct 28;291(44):23027-23035. |
208. |
Lu Y, Lee MY, Zhu S, Sinno T, Diamond SL. Multiscale simulation of thrombus growth and vessel occlusion triggered by collagen/tissue factor using a data-driven model of combinatorial platelet signalling. Math Med Biol., 2016 Sep 25. pii: dqw015. |
207. |
Zhu S, Tomaiuolo M, Diamond SL. Minimum wound size for clotting: flowing blood coagulates on a single collagen fiber presenting tissue factor and von Willebrand factor. Integr Biol., 2016 Aug 8;8(8):813-20. |
206. |
Diamond SL. Flow and delta-P dictate where thrombin, fibrin, and von Willebrand Factor will be found. Thromb Res., 2016 May;141 Suppl 2:S22-4. |
205. |
Diamond SL. Systems Analysis of Thrombus Formation. Circ Res., 2016 Apr 29;118(9):1348-62. |
204. |
Li R, Elmongy H, Sims C, Diamond SL. Ex vivo recapitulation of trauma-induced coagulopathy and preliminary assessment of trauma patient platelet function under flow using microfluidic technology. J Trauma Acute Care Surg., 2016 Mar;80(3):440-9. |
203. |
Brass LF, Diamond SL. Transport physics and biorheology in the setting of hemostasis and thrombosis. J Thromb Haemost., 2016 May;14(5):906-17. |
202. |
Welsh JD, Muthard RW, Stalker TJ, Taliaferro JP, Diamond SL, Brass LF. A systems approach to hemostasis: 4. How hemostatic thrombi limit the loss of plasma-borne molecules from the microvasculature. Blood., 2016 Mar 24;127(12):1598-605. |
201. |
2016 |
Zhu S, Welsh JD, Brass LF, Diamond SL. Platelet-targeting thiol reduction sensor detects thiol isomerase activity on activated platelets in mouse and human blood under flow. J Thromb Haemost., 2016 May;14(5):1070-81. |
200. |
Zhu S, Herbig BA, Li R, Colace TV, Muthard RW, Neeves KB, Diamond SL. In microfluidico: Recreating in vivo hemodynamics using miniaturized devices. Biorheology., 2015 Nov 24;52(5-6):303-18. |
199. |
Herbig BA, Diamond SL. Pathological von Willebrand factor fibers resist tissue plasminogen activator and ADAMTS13 while promoting the contact pathway and shear-induced platelet activation. J Thromb Haemost., 2015 Sep;13(9):1699-708. |
198. |
Kamat V, Muthard RW, Li R, Diamond SL. Microfluidic assessment of functional culture-derived platelets in human thrombi under flow. Exp Hematol., 2015 Oct;43(10):891-900.e4. |
197. |
Zhu S, Travers RJ, Morrissey JH, Diamond SL. FXIa and platelet polyphosphate as therapeutic targets during human blood clotting on collagen/tissue factor surfaces under flow. Blood., 2015 Sep 17;126(12):1494-502. |
196. |
Myint M, Bucki R, Janmey PA, Diamond SL. Synthesis and structure-activity relationships of novel cationic lipids with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities. Bioorg Med Chem Lett., 2015 Jul 15;25(14):2837-43. |
195. |
Wnorowska U, Niemirowicz K, Myint M, Diamond SL, Wróblewska M, Savage PB, Janmey PA, Bucki R. Bactericidal activities of cathelicidin LL-37 and select cationic lipids against the hypervirulent Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain LESB58. Antimicrob Agents Chemother., 2015 Jul;59(7):3808-15. |
194. |
Wiener G, Moore HB, Moore EE, Gonzalez E, Diamond SL, Zhu S, D'Alessandro A, Banerjee A. Shock releases bile acid inducing platelet inhibition and fibrinolysis. J Surg Res., 2015 May 15;195(2):390-5. |
193. |
Lee MY, Diamond SL. A human platelet calcium calculator trained by pairwise agonist scanning. PLoS Comput Biol., 2015 Feb 27;11(2):e1004118. |
192. |
Muthard RW, Welsh JD, Brass LF, Diamond SL. Fibrin, γ'-fibrinogen, and transclot pressure gradient control hemostatic clot growth during human blood flow over a collagen/tissue factor wound. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol., 2015 Mar;35(3):645-54. |
191. |
Li X, Fries S, Li R, Lawson JA, Propert KJ, Diamond SL, Blair IA, FitzGerald GA, Grosser T. Differential impairment of aspirin-dependent platelet cyclooxygenase acetylation by nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 2014 Nov 25;111(47):16830-5. |
190. |
2015 |
Li R, Panckeri KA, Fogarty PF, Diamond SL. Recombinant factor VIIa enhances platelet deposition from flowing haemophilic blood but requires the contact pathway to promote fibrin deposition. Thromb Res., 2015 Mar;21(2):266-74 |
189. |
Zhu S, Diamond SL. Contact activation of blood coagulation on a defined kaolin/collagen surface in a microfluidic assay. Thromb Res., 2014 Dec;134(6):1335-43. |
188. |
Myint M, Limberis MP, Bell P, Somanathan S, Haczku A, Wilson JM, Diamond SL. In vivo evaluation of adeno-associated virus gene transfer in airways of mice with acute or chronic respiratory infection. Hum Gene Ther, 2014 Nov;25(11):966-76. |
187. |
Stalker TJ, Welsh JD, Tomaiuolo M, Wu J, Colace TV, Diamond SL, Brass LF. A systems approach to hemostasis: 3. Thrombus consolidation regulates intrathrombus solute transport and local thrombin activity. Blood, 2014 Sep 11;124(11):1824-31. |
186. |
Tomaiuolo M, Stalker TJ, Welsh JD, Diamond SL, Sinno T, Brass LF. A systems approach to hemostasis: 2. Computational analysis of molecular transport in the thrombus microenvironment. Blood, 2014 Sep 11;124(11):1816-23. |
185. |
Welsh JD, Stalker TJ, Voronov R, Muthard RW, Tomaiuolo M, Diamond SL, Brass LF. A systems approach to hemostasis: 1. The interdependence of thrombus architecture and agonist movements in the gaps between platelets. Blood, 2014 Sep 11;124(11):1808-15. |
184. |
Muthard RW, Diamond SL Rapid on-chip recalcification and drug dosing of citrated whole blood using microfluidic buffer sheath flow. Biorheology, Jun 2014;51(2-3):227-37. |
183. |
Vahidkhah K, Diamond SL, Bagchi P. Platelet dynamics in three-dimensional simulation of whole blood. Biophys J, Jun 2014; 106(11):2529-40. |
182. |
Kamat V, Paluru P, Myint M, French DL, Gadue P, Diamond SL. MicroRNA Screen of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation Reveals miR-105 as an Enhancer of Megakaryopoiesis from Adult CD34+ Cells. Stem Cells, May 2014; 32 (5): 1337-1346.  |
181. |
Li R, Diamond SL. Detection of platelet sensitivity to inhibitors of COX-1, P2Y(1), and P2Y(1)(2) using a whole blood microfluidic flow assay. Thromb Res, Feb 2014; 133 (2): 203-210.  |
180. |
Dolan AT, Diamond SL. Systems Modeling of Ca(2+) Homeostasis and Mobilization in Platelets Mediated by IP3 and Store-Operated Ca(2+) Entry. Biophys J, May 6 2014; 106 (9): 2049-2060.  |
179. |
2014 |
Colace TV, Fogarty PF, Panckeri KA, Li R, Diamond SL. Microfluidic assay of hemophilic blood clotting: distinct deficits in platelet and fibrin deposition at low factor levels. J Thromb Haemost, Feb 2014; 12 (2): 147-158.  |
178. |
Voronov RS, Stalker TJ, Brass LF, Diamond SL. Simulation of intrathrombus fluid and solute transport using in vivo clot structures with single platelet resolution. Ann Biomed Eng 2013; 41 (6): 1297-1307  |
177. |
Vahidkhah K, Diamond S, Bagchi P. Hydrodynamic interaction between a platelet and an erythrocyte: Effect of erythrocyte deformation, dynamics, and wall proximity.. J. Biomech. Eng. 2013; 135 :  |
176. |
Stalker TJ, Traxler EA, Wu J, Wannemacher KM, Cermignano SL, Voronov R, Diamond SL, Brass LF. Hierarchical organization in the hemostatic response and its relationship to the platelet-signaling network. Blood 2013; 121 (10): 1875-1885  |
175. |
Muthard RW, Diamond SL. Side view thrombosis microfluidic device with controllable wall shear rate and transthrombus pressure gradient. Lab Chip 2013; 13 (10): 1883-1891  |
174. |
Li R, Fries S, Li X, Grosser T, Diamond SL. Microfluidic assay of platelet deposition on collagen by perfusion of whole blood from healthy individuals taking aspirin. Clin Chem 2013; 59 (8): 1195-1204  |
173. |
Leszczynska K, Namiot D, Byfield FJ, Cruz K, Zendzian-Piotrowska M, Fein DE, Savage PB, Diamond S, McCulloch CA, Janmey PA, Bucki R. Antibacterial activity of the human host defence peptide LL-37 and selected synthetic cationic lipids against bacteria associated with oral and upper respiratory tract infections. J Antimicrob Chemother 2013; 68 (3): 610-618  |
172. |
Jaeger DT, Diamond SL. Pairwise agonist scanning-flow cytometry (PAS-FC) measures inside-out signaling and patient-specific response to combinatorial platelet agonists. Biotechniques 2013; 54 (5): 271-277  |
171. |
Fargnoli AS, Mu AB, Katz MG, Williams RD, Sumaroka MV, Levy R, Weiner DB, Diamond SL, Margulies KB, Yang S, Bridges. CRA Novel Anti-Inflammatory Formulation Approach To Enhance Myocardial Gene Transfer: An In-Vitro Assessment of Aspirin Loaded Poly-Lactic Glycolic Acid Nanoparticles. Molecular Therapy 2013; 21 : S144-S144 |
170. |
Diamond SL, Purvis J, Chatterjee M, Flamm MH. Systems biology of platelet-vessel wall interactions. Front Physiol 2013; 4 : 229  |
169. |
Diamond SL. Systems biology of coagulation. J Thromb Haemost 2013; 11 Suppl 1 : 224-232  |
168. |
Colace TV, Tormoen GW, McCarty OJ, Diamond SL. Microfluidics and coagulation biology. Annu Rev Biomed Eng 2013; 15 : 283-303  |
167. |
2013 |
Colace TV, Diamond SL. Direct observation of von Willebrand factor elongation and fiber formation on collagen during acute whole blood exposure to pathological flow. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2013; 33 (1): 105-113  |
166. |
Welsh JD, Colace TV, Muthard RW, Stalker TJ, Brass LF, Diamond SL. Platelet-targeting sensor reveals thrombin gradients within blood clots forming in microfluidic assays and in mouse. J Thromb Haemost 2012; :  |
165. |
Tan GS, Chiu CH, Garchow BG, Metzler D, Diamond SL, Kiriakidou M. Small molecule inhibition of RISC loading. ACS Chem Biol 2012; 7 (2): 403-410  |
164. |
Outten JT, Gadue P, French DL, Diamond SL. High-throughput screening assay for embryoid body differentiation of human embryonic stem cells. Curr Protoc Stem Cell Biol 2012; Chapter 1 : Unit 1D 6  |
163. |
Muthard RW, Diamond SL. Blood clots are rapidly assembled hemodynamic sensors: flow arrest triggers intraluminal thrombus contraction. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2012; 32 (12): 2938-2945  |
162. |
King MR, Diamond SL. Multiscale systems biology: a special issue devoted to understanding biology and medicine across multiple scales. Ann Biomed Eng 2012; 40 (11): 2293-2294  |
161. |
Flamm MH, Diamond SL. Multiscale systems biology and physics of thrombosis under flow. Ann Biomed Eng 2012; 40 (11): 2355-2364  |
160. |
Flamm MH, Colace TV, Chatterjee MS, Jing H, Zhou S, Jaeger D, Brass LF, Sinno T, Diamond SL. Multiscale prediction of patient-specific platelet function under flow. Blood 2012; 120 (1): 190-198  |
159. |
2012 |
Colace TV, Muthard RW, Diamond SL. Thrombus growth and embolism on tissue factor-bearing collagen surfaces under flow: role of thrombin with and without fibrin. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2012; 32 (6): 1466-1476  |
158. |
Stolla M, Stefanini L, Roden RC, Chavez M, Hirsch J, Greene T, Ouellette TD, Maloney SF, Diamond SL, Poncz M, Woulfe DS, Bergmeier W. The kinetics of alphaIIbbeta3 activation determines the size and stability of thrombi in mice: implications for antiplatelet therapy. Blood 2011; 117 (3): 1005-1013  |
157. |
Outten JT, Cheng X, Gadue P, French DL, Diamond SL. A high-throughput multiplexed screening assay for optimizing serum-free differentiation protocols of human embryonic stem cells. Stem Cell Res 2011; 6 (2): 129-142  |
156. |
Moorwood C, Lozynska O, Suri N, Napper AD, Diamond SL, Khurana TS. Drug discovery for Duchenne muscular dystrophy via utrophin promoter activation screening. PLoS One 2011; 6 (10): e26169  |
155. |
LaFleur MD, Lucumi E, Napper AD, Diamond SL, Lewis K. Novel high-throughput screen against Candida albicans identifies antifungal potentiators and agents effective against biofilms. J Antimicrob Chemother 2011; 66 (4): 820-826  |
154. |
Huang F, Motlekar NA, Burgwin CM, Napper AD, Diamond SL, Mazin AV. Identification of specific inhibitors of human RAD51 recombinase using high-throughput screening. ACS Chem Biol 2011; 6 (6): 628-635  |
153. |
Furlow M, Diamond SL. Interplay between membrane cholesterol and ethanol differentially regulates neutrophil tether mechanics and rolling dynamics. Biorheology 2011; 48 (1): 49-64  |
152. |
Flamm MH, Sinno T, Diamond SL. Simulation of aggregating particles in complex flows by the lattice kinetic Monte Carlo method. J Chem Phys 2011; 134 (3): 034905  |
151. |
Diamond SL, Chatterjee M. Simulation and measurement of thrombin production in resting and convulxin-treated whole blood in vitro: XIIa bypass of corn trypsin inhibitor. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2011; 998-98 : |
150. |
Colace TV, Jobson J, Diamond SL. Relipidated tissue factor linked to collagen surfaces potentiates platelet adhesion and fibrin formation in a microfluidic model of vessel injury. Bioconjug Chem 2011; 22 (10): 2104-2109  |
149. |
Colace T, Falls E, Zheng XL, Diamond SL. Analysis of morphology of platelet aggregates formed on collagen under laminar blood flow. Ann Biomed Eng 2011; 39 (2): 922-929  |
148. |
2011 |
Wallen AJ, Barker GA, Fein DE, Jing H, Diamond SL. Enhancers of adeno-associated virus AAV2 transduction via high throughput siRNA screening. Mol Ther 2011; 19 (6): 1152-1160  |
147. |
Wannemacher KM, Zhu L, Jiang H, Fong KP, Stalker TJ, Lee D, Tran AN, Neeves KB, Maloney S, Kumanogoh A, Kikutani H, Hammer DA, Diamond SL, Brass LF. Diminished contact-dependent reinforcement of Syk activation underlies impaired thrombus growth in mice lacking Semaphorin 4D. Blood 2010; 116 (25): 5707-5715  |
146. |
Stalker TJ, Traxler EA, Diamond SL, Brass LF. Development of a Stable Thrombotic Core with Limited Access to Plasma Proteins During Thrombus Formation In Vivo. ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts 2010; 116 : 2013- |
145. |
Sivendran S, Jones V, Sun D, Wang Y, Grzegorzewicz AE, Scherman MS, Napper AD, McCammon JA, Lee RE, Diamond SL, McNeil M. Identification of triazinoindol-benzimidazolones as nanomolar inhibitors of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis enzyme TDP-6-deoxy-d-xylo-4-hexopyranosid-4-ulose 3,5-epimerase (RmlC). Bioorg Med Chem 2010; 18 (2): 896-908  |
144. |
Signarvic RS, Cierniewska A, Stalker TJ, Fong KP, Chatterjee MS, Hess PR, Ma P, Diamond SL, Neubig RR, Brass LF. RGS/Gi2alpha interactions modulate platelet accumulation and thrombus formation at sites of vascular injury. Blood 2010; 116 (26): 6092-6100  |
143. |
Shah PP, Wang T, Kaletsky RL, Myers MC, Purvis JE, Jing H, Huryn DM, Greenbaum DC, Smith AB, 3rd, Bates P, Diamond SL. A small-molecule oxocarbazate inhibitor of human cathepsin L blocks severe acute respiratory syndrome and ebola pseudotype virus infection into human embryonic kidney 293T cells. Mol Pharmacol 2010; 78 (2): 319-324  |
142. |
Parussini F, Coppens I, Shah PP, Diamond SL, Carruthers VB. Cathepsin L occupies a vacuolar compartment and is a protein maturase within the endo/exocytic system of Toxoplasma gondii. Mol Microbiol 2010; 76 (6): 1340-1357  |
141. |
Neeves KB, Illing DA, Diamond SL. Thrombin flux and wall shear rate regulate fibrin fiber deposition state during polymerization under flow. Biophys J 2010; 98 (7): 1344-1352  |
140. |
Maloney SF, Brass LF, Diamond SL. P2Y12 or P2Y1 inhibitors reduce platelet deposition in a microfluidic model of thrombosis while apyrase lacks efficacy under flow conditions. Integr Biol (Camb) 2010; 2 (4): 183-192  |
139. |
Lucumi E, Darling C, Jo H, Napper AD, Chandramohanadas R, Fisher N, Shone AE, Jing H, Ward SA, Biagini GA, DeGrado WF, Diamond SL, Greenbaum DC. Discovery of potent small-molecule inhibitors of multidrug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum using a novel miniaturized high-throughput luciferase-based assay. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2010; 54 (9): 3597-3604  |
138. |
Liu Z, Myers MC, Shah PP, Beavers MP, Benedetti PA, Diamond SL, Smith AB, 3rd, Huryn DM. Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of a library of thiocarbazates and their activity as cysteine protease inhibitors. Comb Chem High Throughput Screen 2010; 13 (4): 337-351  |
137. |
Kimura Y, Chiu CH, Napper AD, Diamond SL, Song WC. High throughput screening of small molecule inhibitors of human alternative pathway complement. Molecular Immunology 2010; 47 (13): 2283-2283  |
136. |
Kim MS, Gruneich J, Jing HY, Diamond SL. Photo-induced release of active plasmid from crosslinked nanoparticles: o-nitrobenzyl/methacrylate functionalized polyethyleneimine. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2010; 20 (17): 3396-3403  |
135. |
Gosalia D, Diamond SL. Nanodroplet chemical microarrays and label-free assays. Methods Mol Biol 2010; 669 : 69-78  |
134. |
Diamond SL. Tissue factor activity under flow. Thromb Res 2010; 125 Suppl 1 : S29-30  |
133. |
Clifton JD, Lucumi E, Myers MC, Napper A, Hama K, Farber SA, Smith AB, 3rd, Huryn DM, Diamond SL, Pack M. Identification of novel inhibitors of dietary lipid absorption using zebrafish. PLoS One 2010; 5 (8): e12386  |
132. |
Chatterjee MS, Purvis JE, Brass LF, Diamond SL. Pairwise agonist scanning predicts cellular signaling responses to combinatorial stimuli. Nat Biotechnol 2010; 28 (7): 727-732  |
131. |
Chatterjee MS, Denney WS, Jing HY, Diamond SL. Systems Biology of Coagulation Initiation: Kinetics of Thrombin Generation in Resting and Activated Human Blood. Plos Computational Biology 2010; 6 : 9  |
130. |
Bucki R, Leszczynska K, Byfield FJ, Fein DE, Won E, Cruz K, Namiot A, Kulakowska A, Namiot Z, Savage PB, Diamond SL, Janmey PA. Combined antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity of a cationic disubstituted dexamethasone-spermine conjugate. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2010; 54 (6): 2525-2533  |
129. |
Brey DM, Motlekar NA, Diamond SL, Mauck RL, Garino JP, Burdick JA. High-throughput screening of a small molecule library for promoters and inhibitors of mesenchymal stem cell osteogenic differentiation. Biotechnol Bioeng 2010; 108 (1): 163-174  |
128. |
2010 |
Fein DE, Bucki R, Byfield F, Leszczynska K, Janmey PA, Diamond SL. Novel cationic lipids with enhanced gene delivery and antimicrobial activity. Mol Pharmacol 2010; 78 (3): 402-410  |
127. |
Zhu L, Stalker TJ, Fong KP, Jiang H, Tran A, Crichton I, Lee EK, Neeves KB, Maloney SF, Kikutani H, Kumanogoh A, Pure E, Diamond SL, Brass LF. Disruption of SEMA4D ameliorates platelet hypersensitivity in dyslipidemia and confers protection against the development of atherosclerosis. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2009; 29 (7): 1039-1045  |
126. |
Wong EY, Diamond SL. Advancing microarray assembly with acoustic dispensing technology. Anal Chem 2009; 81 (1): 509-514  |
125. |
Stefanini L, Stolla M, Maloney SF, Ouellette TD, Roden C, Diamond SL, Bergmeier W. Revised Model for Platelet Adhesion to Collagen. ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts 2009; 114 (22): 2999- |
124. |
Stalker TJ, Wu J, Morgans A, Traxler EA, Wang L, Chatterjee MS, Lee D, Quertermous T, Hall RA, Hammer DA, Diamond SL, Brass LF. Endothelial cell specific adhesion molecule (ESAM) localizes to platelet-platelet contacts and regulates thrombus formation in vivo. J Thromb Haemost 2009; 7 (11): 1886-1896  |
123. |
Schmaier AA, Zou Z, Kazlauskas A, Emert-Sedlak L, Fong KP, Neeves KB, Maloney SF, Diamond SL, Kunapuli SP, Ware J, Brass LF, Smithgall TE, Saksela K, Kahn ML. Molecular priming of Lyn by GPVI enables an immune receptor to adopt a hemostatic role. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2009; 106 (50): 21167-21172  |
122. |
Randazzo RA, Bucki R, Janmey PA, Diamond SL. A series of cationic sterol lipids with gene transfer and bactericidal activity. Bioorg Med Chem 2009; 17 (9): 3257-3265  |
121. |
Purvis JE, Radhakrishnan R, Diamond SL. Steady-state kinetic modeling constrains cellular resting states and dynamic behavior. PLoS Comput Biol 2009; 5 (3): e1000298  |
120. |
Purvis J, Radhakrishnan R, Diamond SL. Assembling large-scale kinetic models of cellular dynamics from modular steady-state networks. PLoS: Computational Biology 2009; 2009 : In press  |
119. |
Pagano N, Wong EY, Breiding T, Liu H, Wilbuer A, Bregman H, Shen Q, Diamond SL, Meggers E. From imide to lactam metallo-pyridocarbazoles: distinct scaffolds for the design of selective protein kinase inhibitors. J Org Chem 2009; 74 (23): 8997-9009  |
118. |
Oh H, Mohler ER, 3rd, Tian A, Baumgart T, Diamond SL. Membrane cholesterol is a biomechanical regulator of neutrophil adhesion. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2009; 29 (9): 1290-1297  |
117. |
Motlekar N, de Almeida RA, Pavitt GD, Diamond SL, Napper AD. Discovery of chemical modulators of a conserved translational control pathway by parallel screening in yeast. Assay Drug Dev Technol 2009; 7 (5): 479-494  |
116. |
Leszczynska K, Namiot A, Fein DE, Wen Q, Namiot Z, Savage PB, Diamond S, Janmey PA, Bucki R. Bactericidal activities of the cationic steroid CSA-13 and the cathelicidin peptide LL-37 against Helicobacter pylori in simulated gastric juice. BMC Microbiol 2009; 9 : 187  |
115. |
Fleissner A, Diamond S, Glass NL. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae PRM1 homolog in Neurospora crassa is involved in vegetative and sexual cell fusion events but also has postfertilization functions. Genetics 2009; 181 (2): 497-510  |
114. |
Flamm MH, Diamond SL, Sinno T. Lattice kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of convective-diffusive systems. J Chem Phys 2009; 130 (9): 094904  |
113. |
Diamond SL. Systems biology to predict blood function. J Thromb Haemost 2009; 7 Suppl 1 : 177-180  |
112. |
Anand R, Maksimoska J, Pagano N, Wong EY, Gimotty PA, Diamond SL, Meggers E, Marmorstein R. Toward the development of a potent and selective organoruthenium mammalian sterile 20 kinase inhibitor. J Med Chem 2009; 52 (6): 1602-1611  |
111. |
2009 |
Fein DE, Limberis MP, Maloney SF, Heath JM, Wilson JM, Diamond SL. Cationic lipid formulations alter the in vivo tropism of AAV2/9 vector in lung. Mol Ther 2009; 17 (12): 2078-2087  |
110. |
Wong EY, Diamond SL. Enzyme microarrays assembled by acoustic dispensing technology. Anal Biochem 2008; 381 (1): 101-106  |
109. |
Shah PP, Myers MC, Beavers MP, Purvis JE, Jing H, Grieser HJ, Sharlow ER, Napper AD, Huryn DM, Cooperman BS, Smith AB, 3rd, Diamond SL. Kinetic characterization and molecular docking of a novel, potent, and selective slow-binding inhibitor of human cathepsin L. Mol Pharmacol 2008; 74 (1): 34-41  |
108. |
Purvis JE, Chatterjee MS, Brass LF, Diamond SL. A molecular signaling model of platelet phosphoinositide and calcium regulation during homeostasis and P2Y1 activation. Blood 2008; 112 (10): 4069-4079  |
107. |
Okorie UM, Denney WS, Chatterjee MS, Neeves KB, Diamond SL. Determination of surface tissue factor thresholds that trigger coagulation at venous and arterial shear rates: amplification of 100 fM circulating tissue factor requires flow. Blood 2008; 111 (7): 3507-3513  |
106. |
Oh H, Diamond SL. Ethanol enhances neutrophil membrane tether growth and slows rolling on P-selectin but reduces capture from flow and firm arrest on IL-1-treated endothelium. J Immunol 2008; 181 (4): 2472-2482  |
105. |
Neeves KB, Maloney SF, Fong KP, Schmaier AA, Kahn ML, Brass LF, Diamond SL. Microfluidic focal thrombosis model for measuring murine platelet deposition and stability: PAR4 signaling enhances shear-resistance of platelet aggregates. J Thromb Haemost 2008; 6 (12): 2193-2201  |
104. |
Neeves KB, Diamond SL. A membrane-based microfluidic device for controlling the flux of platelet agonists into flowing blood. Lab Chip 2008; 8 (5): 701-709  |
103. |
Myers MC, Shah PP, Diamond SL, Huryn DM, Smith AB, 3rd. Identification and synthesis of a unique thiocarbazate cathepsin L inhibitor. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 2008; 18 (1): 210-214  |
102. |
Myers MC, Shah PP, Beavers MP, Napper AD, Diamond SL, Smith AB, 3rd, Huryn DM. Design, synthesis, and evaluation of inhibitors of cathepsin L: Exploiting a unique thiocarbazate chemotype. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 2008; 18 (12): 3646-3651  |
101. |
Motlekar N, Diamond SL, Napper AD. Evaluation of an orthogonal pooling strategy for rapid high-throughput screening of proteases. Assay Drug Dev Technol 2008; 6 (3): 395-405  |
100. |
Ji JY, Jing H, Diamond SL. Hemodynamic regulation of inflammation at the endothelial-neutrophil interface. Ann Biomed Eng 2008; 36 (4): 586-595  |
99. |
Huang AH, Motlekar NA, Stein A, Diamond SL, Shore EM, Mauck RL. High-throughput screening for modulators of mesenchymal stem cell chondrogenesis. Ann Biomed Eng 2008; 36 (11): 1909-1921  |
98. |
Diamond SL, Lawrence MB, Neelamegham S. Harry L. Goldsmith, Ph.d. Ann Biomed Eng 2008; 36 (4): 523-526  |
97. |
Diamond SL, Greenbaum D. Proteases' prime targets revealed. Nat Biotechnol 2008; 26 (6): 652-653  |
96. |
de Almeida RA, Burgess D, Shema R, Motlekar N, Napper AD, Diamond SL, Pavitt GD. A Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell-based quantitative beta-galactosidase assay compatible with robotic handling and high-throughput screening. Yeast 2008; 25 (1): 71-76  |
95. |
Beavers MP, Myers MC, Shah PP, Purvis JE, Diamond SL, Cooperman BS, Huryn DM, Smith AB, 3rd. Molecular docking of cathepsin L inhibitors in the binding site of papain. J Chem Inf Model 2008; 48 (7): 1464-1472  |
94. |
Ahn HH, Lee MS, Cho MH, Shin YN, Lee JH, Kim KS, Kim MS, Khang G, Hwang KC, Lee IW, Diamond SL, Lee HB. DNA/PEI nano-particles for gene delivery of rat bone marrow stem cells. Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2008; 313 : 116-120  |
93. |
2008 |
Barker GA, Diamond SL. RNA interference screen to identify pathways that enhance or reduce nonviral gene transfer during lipofection. Molecular Therapy 2008; 16 (9): 1602-1608  |
92. |
Myers MC, Napper AD, Motlekar N, Shah PP, Chiu CH, Beavers MP, Diamond SL, Huryn DM, Smith AB. Identification and characterization of 3-substituted pyrazolyl esters as alternate substrates for cathepsin B: The confounding effects of DTT and cysteine in biological assays. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2007; 17 (17): 4761-4766  |
91. |
Diamond SL. Methods for mapping protease specificity. Curr Opin Chem Biol 2007; 11 (1): 46-51  |
90. |
Price AR, Limberis MP, Wilson JM, Diamond SL. Pulmonary delivery of adenovirus vector formulated with dexamethasone-spermine facilitates homologous vector re-administration. Gene Ther 2007; 14 (22): 1594-1604  |
89. |
Murphy BR, Moayedpardazi HS, Gewirtz AM, Diamond SL, Pierce EA. Delivery and mechanistic considerations for the production of knock-in mice by single-stranded oligonucleotide gene targeting. Gene Ther 2007; 14 (4): 304-315  |
88. |
Handwerger RG, Diamond SL. Biotinylated photocleavable polyethylenimine: capture and triggered release of nucleic acids from solid supports. Bioconjug Chem 2007; 18 (3): 717-723  |
87. |
2007 |
Gruneich JA, Diamond SL. Synthesis and structure-activity relationships of a series of increasingly hydrophobic cationic steroid lipofection reagents. J Gene Med 2007; 9 (5): 381-391  |
86. |
Okorie UM, Diamond SL. Matrix protein microarrays for spatially and compositionally controlled microspot thrombosis under laminar flow. Biophys J 2006; 91 (9): 3474-3481  |
85. |
Laurenzi IJ, Bartels JD, Diamond SL. Regression of multicomponent sticking probabilities using a genetic algorithm. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2006; 45 (16): 5482-5488  |
84. |
Horiuchi KY, Wang Y, Diamond SL, Ma H. Microarrays for the functional analysis of the chemical-kinase interactome. J Biomol Screen 2006; 11 (1): 48-56  |
83. |
Gosalia DN, Denney WS, Salisbury CM, Ellman JA, Diamond SL. Functional phenotyping of human plasma using a 361-fluorogenic substrate biosensing microarray. Biotechnol Bioeng 2006; :  |
82. |
Ganguly K, Goel MS, Krasik T, Bdeir K, Diamond SL, Cines DB, Muzykantov VR, Murciano JC. Fibrin affinity of erythrocyte-coupled tissue-type plasminogen activators endures hemodynamic forces and enhances fibrinolysis in vivo. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 2006; 316 (3): 1130-1136  |
81. |
Diamond SL. Miniaturized drug discovery and high throughput microarrays for biological discovery. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 2006; 2 (4): 292 |
80. |
Kim MS, Diamond SL. Controlled release of DNA/polyamine complex by photoirradiation of a solid phase presenting o-nitrobenzyl ether tethered spermine or polyethyleneimine. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 2006; 16 (21): 5572-5575  |
79. |
2006 |
Kim MS, Diamond SL. Photocleavage of o-nitrobenzyl ether derivatives for rapid biomedical release applications. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 2006; 16 (15): 4007-4010  |
78. |
Simmons G, Gosalia DN, Rennekamp AJ, Reeves JD, Diamond SL, Bates P. Inhibitors of cathepsin L prevent severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus entry. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2005; 102 (33): 11876-11881  |
77. |
Ma H, Horiuchi KY, Wang Y, Kucharewicz SA, Diamond SL. Nanoliter homogenous ultra-high throughput screening microarray for lead discoveries and IC50 profiling. Assay Drug Dev Technol 2005; 3 (2): 177-187  |
76. |
Lo K, Denney WS, Diamond SL. Stochastic modeling of blood coagulation initiation. Pathophysiol Haemost Thromb 2005; 34 (2-3): 80-90  |
75. |
Gosalia DN, Salisbury CM, Maly DJ, Ellman JA, Diamond SL. Profiling serine protease substrate specificity with solution phase fluorogenic peptide microarrays. Proteomics 2005; 5 (5): 1292-1298  |
74. |
Gosalia DN, Salisbury CM, Ellman JA, Diamond SL. High throughput substrate specificity profiling of serine and cysteine proteases using solution-phase fluorogenic peptide microarrays. Mol Cell Proteomics 2005; 4 (5): 626-636  |
73. |
Edmondson KE, Denney WS, Diamond SL. Neutrophil-bead collision assay: pharmacologically induced changes in membrane mechanics regulate the PSGL-1/P-selectin adhesion lifetime. Biophys J 2005; 89 (5): 3603-3614  |
72. |
2005 |
Price A, Limberis M, Gruneich JA, Wilson JM, Diamond SL. Targeting viral-mediated transduction to the lung airway epithelium with the anti-inflammatory cationic lipid dexamethasone-spermine. Mol Ther 2005; 12 (3): 502-509  |
Older Work
1. |
1989 |
Diamond SL, Eskin SG, McIntire LV. Fluid flow stimulates tissue plasminogen activator secretion by cultured human endothelial cells. Science 1989; 243 (4897): 1483-1485  |
2. |
Sharefkin JB, Diamond SL, Dieffenbach CW, Eskin SG. Effects of sustained laminar shear stress on tissue plasminogen activator levels. Cardiovascular Science and Technology 1989; : 81 |
3. |
1990 |
Diamond SL, Sharefkin JB, Dieffenbach C, Frasier-Scott K, McIntire LV, Eskin SG. Tissue plasminogen activator messenger RNA levels increase in cultured human endothelial cells exposed to laminar shear stress. J Cell Physiol 1990; 143 (2): 364-371  |
4. |
1991 |
Diamond SL, Sharefkin JB, Dieffenbach CW, Eskin SG, McIntire LV. Regulation of Endothelial Cell Gene Expression by Hemodynamic Forces: Implications for Intimal Hyperplasia and Graft Patency. Technologies in Vascular Surgery 1991; : 24-Dec  |
5. |
Nollert MU, Diamond SL, McIntire LV. Hydrodynamic shear stress and mass transport modulation of endothelial cell metabolism. Biotechnol Bioeng 1991; 38 (6): 588-602  |
6. |
Sharefkin JB, Diamond SL, Eskin SG, McIntire LV, Dieffenbach CW. Fluid flow decreases preproendothelin mRNA levels and suppresses endothelin-1 peptide release in cultured human endothelial cells. J Vasc Surg 1991; 14 (1): 1-9  |
7. |
1993 |
Diamond SL, Anand S. Inner clot diffusion and permeation during fibrinolysis. Biophys J 1993; 65 (6): 2622-2643  |
8. |
Ranjan V, Diamond SL. Fluid shear stress induces synthesis and nuclear localization of c-fos in cultured human endothelial cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1993; 196 (1): 79-84  |
9. |
Sigurdson WJ, Sachs F, Diamond SL. Mechanical perturbation of cultured human endothelial cells causes rapid increases of intracellular calcium. Am J Physiol 1993; 264 (6 Pt 2): H1745-1752  |
10. |
Yamaguchi M, Diamond S, Watanabe H, Gallati H, Baur W, Sharefkin JB. Heparin and dibutyryl cAMP modulate gene expression in stimulated human saphenous vein smooth muscle cells. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim 1993; 29A (11): 867-872  |
11. |
1994 |
Diamond SL, Kozak AI. A Course in Biotechnology and Society. Chemical Engineering Education 1994; 28 : 140  |
12. |
Wu JH, Siddiqui K, Diamond SL. Transport phenomena and clot dissolving therapy: an experimental investigation of diffusion-controlled and permeation-enhanced fibrinolysis. Thromb Haemost 1994; 72 (1): 105-112  |
13. |
1995 |
Anand S, Wu JH, Diamond SL. Enzyme-Mediated Proteolysis of Fibrous Biopolymers - Dissolution Front Movement in Fibrin or Collagen under Conditions of Diffusive or Convective-Transport. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 1995; 48 (2): 89-107  |
14. |
Diamond SL, McIntire LV. Gene Regulation in Endothelial Cells. Flow Dependent Regulation of Vascular Function in Health and Disease 1995; : 62-84  |
15. |
Ranjan V, Xiao ZS, Diamond SL. Constitutive Nos Expression in Cultured Endothelial-Cells Is Elevated by Fluid Shear-Stress. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 1995; 38 (2): H550-H555  |
16. |
Wu JH, Diamond SL. Fluorogenic Fibrinogen and Fibrin Facilitate Macromolecular Assembly and Dynamic Assay of Picomolar Levels of Plasminogen Activators under Well-Mixed Conditions. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 1995; 74 (2): 711-717  |
17. |
Wu JH, Diamond SL. A fluorescence quench and dequench assay of fibrinogen polymerization, fibrinogenolysis, or fibrinolysis. Anal Biochem 1995; 224 (1): 83-91  |
18. |
Wu JH, Diamond SL. Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) inhibits plasmin degradation of fibrin. A mechanism that slows tPA-mediated fibrinolysis but does not require alpha 2-antiplasmin or leakage of intrinsic plasminogen. J Clin Invest 1995; 95 (6): 2483-2490  |
19. |
1996 |
Anand S, Diamond SL. Computer simulation of systemic circulation and clot lysis dynamics during thrombolytic therapy that accounts for inner clot transport and reaction. Circulation 1996; 94 (4): 763-774  |
20. |
Ranjan V, Waterbury R, Xiao ZH, Diamond SL. Fluid shear stress induction of the transcriptional activator c-fos in human and bovine endothelial cells, HeLa, and Chinese hamster ovary cells. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 1996; 49 (4): 383-390  |
21. |
Vaidya DS, Nitsche JM, Diamond SL, Kofke DA. Convection-diffusion of solutes in media with piecewise constant transport properties. Chemical Engineering Science 1996; 51 (24): 5299-5312  |
22. |
Vaidya DS, Nitsche JM, Diamond SL, Kofke DA. Convection-diffusion of solutes in dynamic media. Adsorption-Journal of the International Adsorption Society 1996; 3 (1): 41-54  |
23. |
1997 |
Subramanian A, Diamond SL. Enhancement of nonviral gene transfer to endothelial cells using lipofection of histone-complexed DNA. Tissue Engineering 1997; 3 (1): 39-52  |
24. |
Anand S, Kudallur V, Pitman EB, Diamond SL. Mechanisms by which thrombolytic therapy results in nonuniform lysis and residual thrombus after reperfusion. Ann Biomed Eng 1997; 25 (6): 964-974  |
25. |
Diamond SL. Engineering Approaches for Thrombolytic Therapy. BMES Bulletin 1997; 21 : 3  |
26. |
Tandon P, Diamond SL. Hydrodynamic effects and receptor interactions of platelets and their aggregates in linear shear flow. Biophys J 1997; 73 (5): 2819-2835  |
27. |
Vaidya DS, Diamond SL, Nitsche JM, Kofke DA. Potential for use of liquid crystals as dynamically tunable electrophoretic media. Aiche Journal 1997; 43 (5): 1366-1368  |
28. |
Vaidya DS, Nitsche JM, Diamond SL, Kofke DA. Perturbation solution to the convection-diffusion equation with moving fronts. Aiche Journal 1997; 43 (3): 631-644  |
29. |
Wang W, Diamond SL. Does elevated nitric oxide production enhance the release of prostacyclin from shear stressed aortic endothelial cells?. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1997; 233 (3): 748-751  |
30. |
Xiao Z, Zhang Z, Ranjan V, Diamond SL. Shear stress induction of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene is calcium-dependent but not calcium-activated. J Cell Physiol 1997; 171 (2): 205-211  |
31. |
1998 |
Tandon P, Diamond SL. Kinetics of beta2-integrin and L-selectin bonding during neutrophil aggregation in shear flow. Biophys J 1998; 75 (6): 3163-3178  |
32. |
1999 |
Subramanian A, Ranganathan P, Diamond SL. Nuclear targeting peptide scaffolds for lipofection of nondividing mammalian cells. Nat Biotechnol 1999; 17 (9): 873-877  |
33. |
Calvo WJ, Hajduczok G, Russell JA, Diamond SL. Inhibition of nitric oxide but not prostacyclin prevents poststenotic dilatation in rabbit femoral artery. Circulation 1999; 99 (8): 1069-1076  |
34. |
Diamond SL. Engineering design of optimal strategies for blood clot dissolution. Annu Rev Biomed Eng 1999; 1 : 427-462  |
35. |
Laurenzi IJ, Diamond SL. Monte Carlo simulation of the heterotypic aggregation kinetics of platelets and neutrophils. Biophys J 1999; 77 (3): 1733-1746  |
36. |
Vaidya DS, Nitsche JM, Diamond SL, Kofke DA. Reply to comments on "Convection-diffusion of solutes in media with piecewise constant transport properties". Chemical Engineering Science 1999; 54 (5): 715-715  |
37. |
Zhang Z, Xiao Z, Diamond SL. Shear stress induction of C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) in endothelial cells is independent of NO autocrine signaling. Ann Biomed Eng 1999; 27 (4): 419-426  |
38. |
2000 |
Abrahams JM, Diamond SL, Hurst RW, Zager EL, Grady MS. Topic review: surface modifications enhancing biological activity of guglielmi detachable coils in treating intracranial aneurysms. Surg Neurol 2000; 54 (1): 34-40; discussion 40-31  |
39. |
Diamond SL. Receptors and Cell Signaling, Intracellular Receptors -- Steroid Hormones and Nitric Oxide. Encyclopedia of Cell Technology 2000; 7 : 1097-1103  |
40. |
Diamond SL, Tandon P, Schmidtke DW, Laurenzi IJ. Cellular Aggregation in Blood Flow. Comments Theoretical Biol 2000; 8 : 1  |
41. |
Schmidtke DW, Diamond SL. Direct observation of membrane tethers formed during neutrophil attachment to platelets or P-selectin under physiological flow. Journal of Cell Biology 2000; 149 (3): 719-729  |
42. |
2001 |
Ma H, Diamond SL. Nonviral gene therapy and its delivery systems. Curr Pharm Biotechnol 2001; 2 (1): 1-17  |
43. |
Abrahams JM, Forman MS, Grady MS, Diamond SL. Delivery of human vascular endothelial growth factor with platinum coils enhances wall thickening and coil impregnation in a rat aneurysm model. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2001; 22 (7): 1410-1417  |
44. |
Abrahams JM, Forman MS, Grady MS, Diamond SL. Biodegradable polyglycolide endovascular coils promote wall thickening and drug delivery in a rat aneurysm model. Neurosurgery 2001; 49 (5): 1187-1193; discussion 1193-1185  |
45. |
Diamond SL. Reaction complexity of flowing human blood. Biophys J 2001; 80 (3): 1031-1032  |
46. |
Goel MS, Diamond SL. Neutrophil enhancement of fibrin deposition under flow through platelet-dependent and -independent mechanisms. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2001; 21 (12): 2093-2098  |
47. |
2002 |
Byrnes CK, Nass PH, Duncan MD, Diamond SL, Harmon JW. Assessment of a Nuclear Targeting Peptide Scaffold (M9) to Improve Plasmid DNA Transfection Efficiency. Surgical Forum 2002; 52 : 538-539  |
48. |
Ma H, Zhu J, Maronski M, Kotzbauer PT, Lee VM, Dichter MA, Diamond SL. Non-classical nuclear localization signal peptides for high efficiency lipofection of primary neurons and neuronal cell lines. Neuroscience 2002; 112 (1): 1-5  |
49. |
Subramanian A, Ma H, Dahl KN, Zhu J, Diamond SL. Adenovirus or HA-2 fusogenic peptide-assisted lipofection increases cytoplasmic levels of plasmid in nondividing endothelium with little enhancement of transgene expression. J Gene Med 2002; 4 (1): 75-83  |
50. |
Abrahams JM, Song C, DeFelice S, Grady MS, Diamond SL, Levy RJ. Endovascular microcoil gene delivery using immobilized anti-adenovirus antibody for vector tethering. Stroke 2002; 33 (5): 1376-1382  |
51. |
Doggett TA, Girdhar G, Lawshe A, Schmidtke DW, Laurenzi IJ, Diamond SL, Diacovo TG. Selectin-like kinetics and biomechanics promote rapid platelet adhesion in flow: the GPIb(alpha)-vWF tether bond. Biophys J 2002; 83 (1): 194-205  |
52. |
Frojmovic M, Nash G, Diamond SL. Definitions in biorheology: cell aggregation and cell adhesion in flow. Recommendation of the Scientific Subcommittee on Biorheology of the Scientific and Standardisation Committee of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Thromb Haemost 2002; 87 (4): 771  |
53. |
Goel MS, Diamond SL. Adhesion of normal erythrocytes at depressed venous shear rates to activated neutrophils, activated platelets, and fibrin polymerized from plasma. Blood 2002; 100 (10): 3797-3803  |
54. |
Laurenzi IJ, Bartels JD, Diamond SL. A general algorithm for exact simulation of multicomponent aggregation processes. Journal of Computational Physics 2002; 177 (2): 418-449  |
55. |
Laurenzi IJ, Diamond SL. Bidisperse aggregation and gel formation via simultaneous convection and diffusion. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2002; 41 (3): 413-420  |
56. |
Park EY, Smith MJ, Stropp ES, Snapp KR, DiVietro JA, Walker WF, Schmidtke DW, Diamond SL, Lawrence MB. Comparison of PSGL-1 microbead and neutrophil rolling: microvillus elongation stabilizes P-selectin bond clusters. Biophys J 2002; 82 (4): 1835-1847  |
57. |
2003 |
Pierce EA, Liu Q, Igoucheva O, Omarrudin R, Ma H, Diamond SL, Yoon K. Oligonucleotide-directed single-base DNA alterations in mouse embryonic stem cells. Gene Ther 2003; 10 (1): 24-33  |
58. |
Doggett TA, Girdhar G, Lawshe A, Miller JL, Laurenzi IJ, Diamond SL, Diacovo TG. Alterations in the intrinsic properties of the GPIb?-VWF tether bond define the kinetics of the platelet-type von Willebrand disease mutation, Gly233Val. Blood 2003; 102 (1): 152-160  |
59. |
Goel MS, Diamond SL. Neutrophil cathepsin G promotes prothrombinase and fibrin formation under flow conditions by activating fibrinogen-adherent platelets. J Biol Chem 2003; 278 (11): 9458-9463  |
60. |
Gosalia DN, Diamond SL. Printing chemical libraries on microarrays for fluid phase nanoliter reactions. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2003; 100 (15): 8721-8726  |
61. |
Ji JY, Jing H, Diamond SL. Shear stress causes nuclear localization of endothelial glucocorticoid receptor and expression from the GRE promoter. Circ Res 2003; 92 (3): 279-285  |
62. |
Laurenzi IJ, Diamond SL. Kinetics of random aggregation-fragmentation processes with multiple components. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys 2003; 67 (5 Pt 1): 051103  |
63. |
2004 |
Gruneich JA, Price A, Zhu J, Diamond SL. Cationic corticosteroid for nonviral gene delivery. Gene Ther 2004; 11 (8): 668-674  |
64. |
Abrahams JM, Diamond SL. Endovascular Biologic Aneurysm Management. Management of Cerebral Aneurysms 2004; : 997-1006  |
65. |
Eckmann DM, Diamond SL. Surfactants attenuate gas embolism-induced thrombin production. Anesthesiology 2004; 100 (1): 77-84  |
66. |
Goel MS, Diamond SL. Factor VIIa-mediated tenase function on activated platelets under flow. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2004; 2 (8): 1402-1410  |
67. |
Goel MS, Diamond SL. Thrombosis. Encyclopedia of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering. 2004; (1458-1466):  |
68. |
Ji JY, Diamond SL. Exogenous nitric oxide activates the endothelial glucocorticoid receptor. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2004; 318 (1): 192-197  |
69. |
Kadash KE, Lawrence MB, Diamond SL. Neutrophil string formation: hydrodynamic thresholding and cellular deformation during cell collisions. Biophys J 2004; 86 (6): 4030-4039  |
70. |
Lo K, Diamond SL. Blood coagulation kinetics: high throughput method for real-time reaction monitoring. Thromb Haemost 2004; 92 (4): 874-882  |
71. |
Ma H, Liu Q, Diamond SL, Pierce EA. Mouse embryonic stem cells efficiently lipofected with nuclear localization peptide result in a high yield of chimeric mice and retain germline transmission potency. Methods 2004; 33 (2): 113-120  |
- Inventor: S. L. Diamond, J. H. Wu, and State University of New York at Buffalo. "Rapid assay of activators and inhibitors of clotting" U.S. Patent Number 5,567,596 (Filed: Dec. 29, 1994. Issued: Oct. 22, 1996).
- Inventor: S. L. Diamond, J. H. Wu, and State University of New York at Buffalo. "Method for assaying components in an enzyme-protein substrate system" U.S. Patent Number 5,786,137 (Filed: Aug. 15, 1996. Issued: July 28, 1998).
- Inventor: S. L. Diamond, and University of Pennsylvania. "Peptide Scaffolds for Transfer of Molecules into Eukaryotic Cells”. U.S. Patent Number 6,927,278. (Filed: April 25, 2001; Issued: Aug. 9, 2005).
- Inventor: S. L. Diamond and University of Pennsylvania. “Peptide scaffolds for transfer of molecules into eukaryotic cells” U.S. Patent Number 7,244,704. (Filed: February 16, 2005. Issued: July 17, 2007).
- Inventor: S. L. Diamond, D. Gosalia and University of Pennsylvania. “Method and devices for running reactions on a target plate for MALDI mass spectrometry” U.S. Patent Number 7,297,501. (Filed: December 15, 2004. Issued: November 20, 2007).
- Inventor: S. L. Diamond and University of Pennsylvania. “Peptide or protein microassay method and apparatus” U.S. Patent Number 7,332,286. (Filed: November 7, 2001. Issued: February 19, 2008).
PUBCHEM BIOASSAYS (Click here to retrieve full PubChem listing)
- AID: 523
Cathepsin B Inhibitor Series SAR Study
- AID: 581
Cathepsin G
- AID: 538
Complement factor C1s
- AID: 501
Cathepsin S
- AID: 830
Cathepsin B mixture HTS dose-response confirmation
- AID: 1696
Rml C and D fluorescent artifact dose-response confirmation
- AID: 1695
Rml C and D dose-response confirmation
- AID: 1230
E3 Ligase HTS_1536
- AID: 1533
Rml C and D inhibition 384-well mixture HTS from 1536-well compound plates
- AID: 1532
Rml C and D inhibition 384-well mixture HTS
- AID: 1394
E3 Ligase dose-response_384
- AID: 1444
E3 Ligase_WT_Dose Response
- AID: 1431
Kallikrein 5 1536 HTS Dose Response Confirmation
- AID: 1437
Homologous recombination_Rad 51_dose response_2
- AID: 1436
Homologous Recombination_Rad51_DNA binding assay
- AID: 1435
Homologous Recombination - Rad 51_Dose response
- AID: 1385
Homologous recombination - Rad 51
- AID: 1442
E3 Ligase_Mutant_Dose Response
- AID: 873
Kallikrein 5 1536 HTS
- AID: 852
Factor XIIa 1536 HTS Dose Response Confirmation
- AID: 846
Factor XIa 1536 HTS Dose Response Confirmation
- AID: 1215
Thrombin 1536 HTS Dose Response Confirmation
- AID: 1235
Alternative Pathway ELISA_orthogonal screening
- AID: 1046
Thrombin 1536 HTS
- AID: 834
C. albicans biofilm killing
- AID: 829
Complement C1s ELISA
- AID: 800
Factor XIIa 1536 HTS
- AID: 798
Factor XIa 1536 HTS
- AID: 792
eIF2B IC50 against mutant and WT yeast
- AID: 787
Complement factor C1s IC50 from mixture screen
- AID: 728
Factor XIIa Dose Response Confirmation from Single Well HTS
- AID: 721
Factor XIa Dose Response Confirmation from Single Well Screen
- AID: 716
Factor XIIa Dose Response Confirmation
- AID: 688
Yeast eIF2B assay
- AID: 687
Factor XIa Single Well HTS
- AID: 685
Yeast Toxicity Assay.
- AID: 680
Factor XIa Mixture HTS
- AID: 679
Factor XIa Dose Response Confirmation
- AID: 559
RNA polymerase
- AID: 460
Cathepsin L
- AID: 453
Cathepsin B
- AID: 1242
C. albicans biofilm killing---Mixture HTS
- AID: 701
Factor XIIa Single Well HTS
- AID: 488
Cathepsin B compound mixture screening
- AID: 1636
Cathepsin L probe #2 dose-response testing
- AID: 1633
Cathepsin L probe dose-response testing
- AID: 1627
Cathepsin L dose-response testing in the presence of cysteine
- AID: 691
Zebrafish Lipid Metabolism Assay - Dose-Response Confirmation.
- AID: 1392
RNA polymerase SAR
- AID: 832
Cathepsin G dose-response confirmation
- AID: 820
Cathepsin B dose-response confirmation
- AID: 684
Factor XIIa Mixture HTS
- AID: 825
Cathepsin L dose-response confirmation
- AID: 826
RNA polymerase dose-response confirmation
- AID: 831
Cathepsin S dose-response confirmation
- AID: 686
Zebrafish Lipid Metabolism Assay---Primary Screen
- AID: 370
Cytotoxicity assay human pulmonary artery cells
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